Gegründet 2004, machten sich YOUR DYING TRUTH aus der norddeutschen Idylle auf, um mit ihrem eigenwilligen Sound "Musik mit Eiern" neu zu definieren.
The band YOUR SHAPELESS BEAUTY was created in October 1994. At the time, the band members were:Nicolas B. (vocals)David C. (guitar)Lionel R. (drums)Cédric N. (bass)
Joe, Steve, and Jesse met while attending art school in Brooklyn, NY. John Lynch was recruited on drums and in 1988 Yuppicide was formed
Yyrkoon was formed in 1995. Native of France, the band began to play melodic death/black metal. Quickly they decided to record a demo tape, and one year later they´ve done "Oath, Obscure, Occult...".
Zann formed in late 1999 as a four piece. After some shows John joined on second guitar. Since then there were no line-up changes.
Das Feuer brennt, die Flammen schlagen aus. Wir sehen dem gut gelaunt zu und kippen noch extra etwas Benzin hinein.
Angenommen, Gott würde sich eines Tages angewidert von der Menschheit abwenden und einfach verschwinden.
Zarathustra wurden im Sommer 1996 gegründet. Der Bandname geht zurück auf Friedrich Nietzsche, Autor des „Antichristen“ und Vollender des Atheismus.
The band that never quits! Originally formed as a pure "jam-band" playing covers of what rock´n´roll that kicked arse, till now writing original songs in the vein of P.O.D., Nickelback and Creed.
Zebulon was risen from the ashes of Desultory, a band formed back in 1989. Between 1993-1996, Desultory released three full-length albums, Into eternity, Bitterness and Swallow the snake.
Back in1985 a new band was formed; whose intention it was and still is, to bring back lost fantasy to all mankind.
