by Gast
BiografieSVARTTJERN was formed by HansFyrste and HaaN as a two man project in 2003. The two brothers decided to bring more musicians to the band to be able to start doing some live shows, and to bring the band to new levels. Later that same year Skabb, Grimmdun and Fjellnord were taken in to the band, and SVARTTJERN started to work towards their first demo recordings. Over the next years two demos were recorded, Blasphemic War and Raped by Svarttjern, but SVARTTJERN were still working towards their own sound, so not much time were given to the demos after the recordings.
2007, SVARTTJERN parted ways with Skabb, and Terror came in on the base, bringing fresh blood to the band. The band was now ready to record a three track demo, to finally show the music they have been working so many years to get to. ‘Demo 07’ was only sent out to labels, and only printed in very few numbers for sale.
SVARTTJERN signs with Schwarzdorn Production and were ready to record their first full length album Misanthropic Path of Madness. The debut album was released on the 13 of february 2009. The Misanhtropic album reached great feeback and reviews. 2009 SVARTTJERN signs with Agonia Records! SVARTTJERN are ready to begin the work for their second full length album, and take their extreme art to the next level. SVARTTJERN’s furious art of misanthropic codes and TNBM will be released through Agonia Records early 2011.Quelle: - Blasphemic War (Demo)
2006 - Raped By Svarttjern (Demo)
2008 - Demo
2009 - Misanthropic Path Of Madness
2011 - Towards The Ultimate
Dass die so genannte „Zweite Generation“ des Black Metal in Norwegen beheimatet ist, braucht man niemandem mehr zu erzählen.
Ihr Debütalbum „Misanthropic Path Of Madness“ war eine schwarzmetallische Dampfwalze erster Kajüte, so dass meine Erwartungen an den Nachfolger „Towards The Ultimate“ relativ h