Wenn du denkst, es geht nichts mehr, kommt irgendwo ein schlimmer Liedchen her. Alter - zwölf Songs hämmern djr die Osteuropäer umme Ohren, ins Gemächt aufs Dach.
BiografieANTIGAMA is unrestircted by anything and not-falling-into-patterns look at modern avangarda grindcore and noise. The band was formed in the late 2002 in Warsaw by Sebastian Rokicki (Different State, Garden Of Worm) and Krzysztof Bentkowski (Sparagmos, Damnable, Monev). After joining of Lukasz Myszkowski (Sparagmos, IN) and Macio Moretti (Starzy Singers, Maly Szu, DJ HUJ), the band had been working intensively on the first album "Intellect Made Us Blind" which got released by THE FLOOD RECORDS from Itally short after that. Meanwhile ANTIGAMA started to play shows regulary next to sucha groups as: TRAGEDY, TOXIC BONKERS, FLEAS AND LICE and many others. On September 2001 little tour called "Grind Manifesto 2001" along with DAMNABLE and BRAINWASH took its place. Antigama
In 2002 up to then bassist Macio left the band, and Michal known before from REINFECTION joined on his place. With such a line-up the band recorded split CD with Jan Fredericx?s (AGATHOCLES) project - JAN AG. ANTIGAMA put on that record its song interpetations of national hardcore precursors ? Pulawy?s SIEKIERA. Short after, continuation of "Grind Manifesto Tour 2002" followed - this time with italian NEFAS, BASTARD SAINTS and native PIGNATION and TOXIC BONKERS.
In January 2003 the band recorded Promo 2003, which was sample of incoming new material. The CD consisted of 3 new songs + cover of Godflesh "Anything is mine" that appeard on Godflesh Tribute CD released by French Nihilistic Holocaust.
In July 2003 ANTIGAMA recorded experimental material "East Clintwood" with destination to be split CD with Japanese DERANGED INSANE on Mortville Records from the USA.
Short after that, in August 2003 the band shut itself in Selani Studio in Olsztyn, where under the eye of Szymon Czech was recording its second album "Discomfort" for Extremist Records from Ohio/US.
In September 2003 ANTIGAMA took part in third edition of "Grind Manifesto 2003 Tour" where was playing together with THIRD DEGREE and PIGNATION. Right after that had another show on "Dni Halasu 2003" in Warsaw. At the same time Italian electro/industiral band THE SEED remixed, on its own intiative, "Fala" the song taken from "Intelect made us blind"
Year 2004 started from few shows (Warsaw - NOISE DAY Jazzgot Club, Opole), and part in 10 shows "TEN DAYS GRINDCORE MASSACRE TOUR 2004" as headliner together with native DEFORMED. The event took its place in March. Spring 2004 brought split CD with Australian band OPEN WOUND thanks to friendly Antiself Production. Also premiere of "Discomfort"
takes its place on April followed by surprising very good reviews in the country as well as abroad.
In June ANTIGAMA recorded 6 new songs on 3-way split CD with THIRD DEGREE and HERMAN RAREBELL on Selfmadegod Records. Right after that the band got invited on Obscene Extreme Festival 2004 in Czech Republic - the biggest extreme music festival in Europe.
Currently Antigama works on 3rd full lenght album which will be recorded in 2005.
ANTIGAMA is controlled and overwhelming chaos.
Quelle: http://selfmadegod.comDiscografieZeroland CD 2005
Discomfort CD 2005
Mittwoch 14.12.2005
Selfmadegod mausern sich langsam aber sicher zu einer feinen Adresse für außergewöhnliche brutale Musik. "Zeroland" der Warschauer ANTIGAMA ist ein gelungenes Beispiel für die Label-Veröffentlichungen und generell ein sehr cooles, wenn auch verdammt anstrengendes, Stück Grindcore geworden.
ANTIGAMA haben es tatsächlich geschafft und sind bei Relapse Records angekommen, der Heimat solcher Grindgrößen wie NASUM und PIG DESTROYER.
ANTIGAMA bleiben sich auf ihrem neuesten Werk treu und servieren dem Grindgourmet 16 Gänge, die allesamt nervenaufreibend brutal sind.
Ist noch nicht lange her, da hat Kollege Memme "Discomfort" besprochen und für gut befunden.