NASHVILLE PUSSY haben sich über die Jahre durch grandiose schweißtreibende Live-Shows und nicht minder grandiose Platten eine treue Fanbasis erspielt, die zuletzt drei Jahre auf das neue Werk warten m
BiografieNashville Pussy
Explosive, head-banging, foot-stomping, obscenity-laden, punk charged, sexually fueled, in-your-face – NASHVILLE PUSSY is coming at you full-throttle. NASHVILLE PUSSY’S latest release SAY SOMETHING NASTY on Artemis Records is a souped-up hot rod of musical styles, muscular rhythms, break-neck tempos and balls-out new songs that swagger, strut, stomp and fly in the face of convention. SAY SOMETHING NASTY is a southern-fried, finger lickin’ good, red hot platter of sexy, raunchy, high-voltage rock & roll. NASHVILLE PUSSY is rock & roll’s main course – appetizing, substantial, hot and tasty.
Nominated for a Grammy for Best Metal Performance in 1999 for “Fried Chicken and Coffee” from their Mercury Records debut release LET THEM EAT PUSSY (produced by Fastbacks’ Kurt Bloch) – HIGH AS HELL (on TVT Records, also produced by Bloch) is “more of the same,” according to guitarist Ruyter Suys. Screaming, writhing, sweaty, raw rock & roll – the way it was meant to be played. Propulsive rhythms, punishing riffs and 12 new songs that grab you by the balls – NASHVILLE PUSSY is putting the intensity and plain ol’ kick-ass back into rock & roll.
Taking their name from the intro to the DOUBLE LIVE GONZO version of Ted Nugent’s “Wang Dang Sweet Poontang,” this foursome currently features: Kentucky born singer/guitarist Blaine Cartwright (formerly of 9 Pound Hammer) – lead guitarist and Vancouver BC transplant, Ruyter Suys (pronounced Rider Sighs) – drummer, Austin, Texas transplant Jeremy Thompson (a.k.a. “Remo”) – Kentucky born bassist and former Famous Monster KatieLynn Campbell (aka Vampire Girl). After a few line up changes -- Blaine is proud to announce “Nashville Pussy is Yankee free,” (except for Ruyter who’s from Southern Canada).
NASHVILLE PUSSY brought their singular brand of “southern discomfort” rock & roll to a whole new legion of fans the summer of 2000. Providing THE rock & roll alternative on the Tattoo the Earth Tour – playing to huge crowds with such artists as Slipknot, Slayer and Sevendust, also playing selected dates with the Misfits and the Dictators, and touring with CP and Suicidal Tendencies – as well as accepting an invitation to open a special show for Lynyrd Skynyrd in Nashville, TN – in 2000 – NASHVILLE PUSSY played to their most diverse audiences to date.
Scheduling a few pit stops along the way – NASHVILLE PUSSY recorded a gloriously “pussified,” wickedly tasty version of AC DC’s “Highway to Hell” for the FREE THE WEST MEMPHIS THREE benefit album. Two cuts from HIGH AS HELL – “Wrong Side of A Gun” and “Shoot First and Run Like Hell” – are currently on the soundtrack and feature release of SUPER TROOPERS. Recording Molly Hatchet´s “Flirtin’ With Disaster” (by request of HBO´s Mr Show for the upcoming movie RUN RONNIE RUN), as well as tracks for two tribute compilations – “The Kids Are Back” for the Twisted Sister Tribute – TWISTED AND STRANGE and “Age of Pamparius” for the Turbonegro Tribute – it seems like everybody wants some NASHVILLE PUSSY. Other red hot performances? Singer Blaine Cartwright’s acting debut as Duke, a bad-ass motherfucker, in the movie RUN RONNIE RUN. Blaine is featured kicking ass, stomping shit and throwing punches – southern style – of course!
Since founding the band in 1996 – the husband and wife guitar team of Cartwright and Suys pursued their vision until it became reality. “We were sick of seeing bands that sucked, so we decided to make the kind of band that we wanted to see,” says Suys. Straight off the blocks – NASHVILLE PUSSY was positively infamous for their ferocious, take-no-prisoners live shows – and immediately the most talked about band in the country. NASHVILLE PUSSY was soon the object of a heated bidding war between the majors and band’s debut LET THEM EAT PUSSY – originally released on indie label – Amphetamine Reptile – was reissued on Mercury – earning them a Grammy nomination and slot on the Marilyn Manson tour.
ALWAYS performing like they´re the last rock & roll band on earth – touring non-stop since 1996 – NASHVILLE PUSSY is the “hardest band working in show biz” today. Earning them an army of rabid fans and followers – NASHVILLE PUSSY’S live shows are beer-soaked, sweat-drenched spectacles of decadent perfection. Explosive songs, bone-crunching rhythms, heavy metal riffing and punk rock ethics combined with raw sex appeal. Armed with Cartwright’s highly memorable and well-crafted songs – as well as Suys’ undeniable shread-ablilty on guitar and backed with the ultimate hard rockin’ rhythm section – this is a band that is ALWAYS at its peak.
Continuing to flagrantly disregard the conventions of Middle America, NASHVILLE PUSSY has their own – not too secret – agenda. “We want to wake people up and kick their ass,” Ruyter says. “We want to unbuckle the Bible belt and suck God’s dick.”
Copyright ©2002-2003 Nashville Pussy
All rights reserved
designed by groovee fortune
Quelle: www
Statt eines neuen Albums veröffentlichen NASHVILLE PUSSY einfach ihr letztes noch einmal. Muss das sein? Okay, immerhin wurden die Songs neu abgemischt, was allerdings kaum zu hören ist.
NASHVILLE PUSSY sind seit vielen Jahren Garant für eingängigen Rotzrock, der die skandinavische "Konkurrenz” locker in die Tasche steckt - bis auf wenige Ausnahmen vielleicht.
NASHVILLE PUSSY haben sich mal wieder bei einer Show filmen lassen und das Ergebnis zusammen mit Backstage-Szene und ein paar Gimmicks auf DVD gebrannt.
NASHVILLE PUSSY sind eine der geilsten Rotzrock-Bands dieses Planeten und stecken Gluecifer, Hellacopters und Konsorten meines Erachtens locker in die Tasche.