

BiografieThere is really nothing much to do when growing up in the small danish town of Thisted – unless of course you happen to be very fond of fishing. So when five young Thisted blokes in 1994 decided to form a band called RAUNCHY it was partly out of boredom. Since then the five guys have spent countless hours perfecting their musical skills – and developing Raunchy’s very own blend of futuristic hybrid metal.

In 1995 the band records their first demo at Borsing Recordings in Århus. The song Space Story taken from the demo is later released on the compilation CD Extremity Rising Vol. I - In 1996 RAUNCHY achieves a second place in a music competition with 130 participating bands. A part of the prize is three days in a studio which the band uses to record their second demo. This time the music has a more alternative character and the song Crack Of Dawn is later released on Extremity Rising Vol 3 -
In 1998 the band move to Copenhagen and Århus, later they got contacted by Denmark´s Radio´s P3 who interviewed the band and played the song "Hypnotized" on the radio program "Demokræmen". Despite the hardness of the song, it achieves enough votes to enter the list where it remains for several of weeks. After this RAUNCHY signed a record contract with Mighty Music´s sublabel Drug(s).

In August 2000 RAUNCHY enters the Aabenraa Studios for the second time to begin the recording of their debut album Velvet Noise. The choice of producer is clear since the band´s earlier collaboration with Jacob Hansen (Illdisposed, Mercenary and others) worked out really well. After weeks of hard work the album is finished and the band is very satisfied with the result.

The album shows a band who is capable of incorporating melodic elements in their hard and metallic soundscapes. Though RAUNCHY actually admits to being inspired partly by pop music their own sound is indeed very far from pop. The sound of Raunchy is best described as a massive pulsating wall of sound, vaporizing everything that stands in its way.

Quelle: Velvet Noise

2004 Confusion Bay

2006 Death Pop Romance


Donnerstag 23.03.2006
Sängerwechsel, Labelwechsel - bei RAUNCHY war im Vorfeld von "Death Pop Romance" einiges zu klären.
Kalte Füße?
Sonntag 01.02.2004
Aufgepasst: "Confusion Bay", das neue Album der innovativen fünf von RAUNCHY knallt aus den Boxen wie kleine Explosionen aus einem Labor für futuristische Kampfstoffe. KORN-Entdecker Ross Robinson wollte die Dänen unter seine Fittiche nehmen. Roadrunner haben neidisch zur Seite geschielt.
Sonntag 01.02.2004
Attention, attention: "Confusion Bay", the new album of the innovative Danish five-piece RAUNCHY explodes in your stereo. Even Ross Robinson, producer legend of KORNish fame, wanted to collaborate with the band.



Confusion Bay - Cover
Wacken 2003, die Sonne brennt unerbittlich auf die Heerscharen vor den großen Bühnen. Wer sich davor drücken wollte, musste sich schon ins kleine WET-Zelt flüchten.
Death Pop Romance - Cover
Beim WOA 2004 wurde ich erstmals Ohrenzeuge von RAUNCHY - und besorgte mir danach erstmal "Confusion Bay", so beeindruckt hatten mich die Dänen mit ihrer Mischung aus SOILWORK, FEAR FACTORY und IN FLA
Wasteland Discotheque - Cover
Spätestens mit „Death Pop Romance“ haben RAUNCY den Geheimtip-Status hinter sich gelassen und sich der IN FLAMES/ SOILWORK-Anhängerschaft als ernstzunehmende Alternative jenseits von Schwe