BiografieThis was a wise decision by the band who have in the meantime established an almost unique sound and category which is consequently followed on “Savage Souls”. „We have kept our roots and everybody who heard the album yet, recognizes it as MYSTIC PROPHECY immediately”, says the outstanding Greek vocalist R.D. „Lia“ Liapakis with strong and well deserved confidence, “Savage Souls” has a great range of varieties, sounds updated and the songs are all darker and more aggressive. We still have a melodic edge though without being cheesy at all, all in all we are still real METAL!”.Mystic Prophecy
The fact that MYSTIC PROPHECY were able to establish and even improve their level is not the most usually thing – facing the fact that there was a lot of stress going on in the last months: guitarist Gus G. left Lia and the others some time ago to concentrate on his other band Firewind.
Although the split was done in a friendly and both sided manner it was not easy to find a replacement. But MYSTIC PROPHECY never hesitated for a second and chose a new double-axe department: the two new guitarists are Markus Pohl (known from Symphorce; and longer part of the live line-up of MYSTIC PROPHECY) and Martin Grimm (Headstone Epitaph).
In addition drummer Dennis Ekdahl was more and more busy with his other band Raise Hell and also left. New drummer is Matthias Straub from Sacred Steel after Klaus Sperling from My Darkest Hate was a member of the band for a while.
The album was recorded and mastered at „Music Factory Studio“ by Lia while the excellent mix was done by Fredrik Nordström, whose Fredman-Studio is one of the top studios in Europe for years now.
“We wanted to try something new” Lia explains, “I think the result is a very good bridge between classical stuff and modern metal like Nevermore play these days”. The songs on the album were written by the complete band this time. It is great to see, how well Markus Pohl and Martin Grimm have been involved in the band.
“Both know right from the start how MYSTIC PROPHECY have to sound, so they played the perfect way and our special flair remained” says Lia proudly after the confusions in the line up left their marks.
“Savage Souls turned out a little more depressive, as we had quite a lot of stress and problems with the many line-up changes. But the hard work paid off: the band never sounded that heavy and aggressive.
Accordingly the lyrics don’t follow a concept as the previous albums but refer to environment, polictics and religion – and surely a lot of personal stuff, which needs to be reflected when things don’t turn our that well”.
The things will turn very well again at the latest when “Savage Souls” is released! Even strict journalists or the writers with the “I heard this all before”-attitude will have to accept one fact: MYSTIC PROPHECY are one of the leading German , if not European, bands in their genre and will break through now with their fourth album. “Savage Souls” is a definite highlight!
Quelle: http://www.mysticprophecy.netDiscografie2001 Vengeance
2003 Regressus
2004 Never Ending
2006 Savage Souls
2007 Satanic Curses
2009 Fireangel
Sonntag 07.06.2009
Die deutsch-griechische Combo MYSTIC PROPHECY sind eine jener Bands die ein gutes Album nach dem anderen abliefern und sich dabei auch zunehmend einen hohen Bekanntheitsgrad erspielen. Ihr neustes Werk „Fireangel“ macht da keine Ausnahme und verleitete den Power Metallern um Sänger ROBERTO DIMITRI LIAPAKIS mal ein paar Fragen zu stellen.
Freitag 16.12.2011
Zur Veröffentlichung des neuen Albums „Ravenlord“ und zur anstehenden Tour der Power Metal-Legende MYSTIC PROPHECY , emailten wir mit dem sympathischen, griechisch-stämmigen Frontmann und Arbeitstier Roberto Dimitri Liapakis. Dass natürlich auch die griechische Finanzmisere und die weltweiten Proteste angesprochen werden mussten, versteht sich von selbst.
Die nun mittlerweile siebte Platte der deutschen Heavy/ Power Metal-Institution MYSTIC PROPHECY beginnt mit einem Gitarrenintro in fast schon zaghafter Manier.