“For those who want to Rock…… this band is for you!”
Die vier Demotracks bieten einen wilden Ritt über südschwedisch anmutende Melodien, Breakdowns aus der Core- Schule, eine fette Portion Groove und sehr erwachsene Brachial- Vocals (mit gelegentlichen
In recent years, bands have been taking things into their own hands more so than ever in getting the word out about their music.
Hätte damals, 1996, Mickey Rude keinen Motorradunfall gehabt, wäre DEAD MEANS NOTHING niemals entstanden. Er musste von den Drums zur Gitarre wechseln und lernte 1997 den Drummer Django (ehem.
When you think about Dead Poetic´s new album, Vices, think classic rock n´ roll or the ´90s alt-rock nation.
Es trug sich zu im Jahre 1991, dass sich ein paar Heranwachsende entschieden, ihrer Begeisterung für Heavy Metal dadurch Ausdruck zu verleihen, indem sie selbst eine Band gründeten.
Dead Samaritan saw the dark of the night in the beginning of 2001 under the name of The Beauty Of Dying. There had been suspicious mindstorming for quite a while in the brain of one Marko Saarinen.
Tried and true, Chicago’s metalcore masters Dead To Fall return with their sophomore effort for Victory Records entitled ‘Villainy & Virtue”.
Formed in Bergen, Norway, in 2002 and was set out to be Iscariah's (Necrophagia, ex-Immortal) solo project.
two words giving four individuals a chance to collectively deal with their demons, their pains of modern life and their fear of death.
2001 gegründet. 2002 komplettiert, 2004 EP draußen.
In a world of self-important indie twaddlers and high-minded rockers, it’s a relief to hear someone talk about their band’s sound free of hyperbole and fluff.
