DARK ARMAGEDDON: Nun ein paar Zeilen zu unserer Band und ihrer Geschichte.
Dark at Dawn wird 1993 von Torsten “Sauer” Sauerbrey, Thorsten “Buddy” Kohlrausch, Michael Lowin, Peter Arenz und Oliver Schoening in Osterode (Harz) gegründet.
Dark Disciple, hailing from the darkest bowels of Baltimore, Maryland USA, formed March 1999. From the beginning, they have been on a path of destruction, unleashing vile brutality.
Die Anfänge von Dark Fortress liegen im Jahr 1994, als Gitarrist Asvargr, nachdem seine Band CARNAGE sich wegen musikalischer Differenzen kurz zuvor aufgelöst hatte, sich entschied, in einer anderen R
Dark Moor was formed in 1994 in Madrid (Spain) & recorded their debut album ´´Shadowland´´ in the summer of 1999.
The band was formed in 1987 under the name DARK DEVILS. They released their first demo titled "Shrinel ", a combination of heavy metal and classical music.
1982 - 1987 Im schwäbischen Städtchen Rottweil gründen fünf Schüler eine Rockband. Ihr Name: DARK SKY
The Band DarkSoul was founded in 2001 with the purpose to show BlackMetal from another side.
“Everybody was very impressed,” Opeth’s singer Mikael Åkerfeldt describes the scenario in his band’s tour bus.
Dark the Suns is a melodic dark metal band from Jyväskylä, Finland. In our music we combine beautiful piano melodies and dark vocals.
Spricht man von melodischem Death Metal aus Göteborg kommt dem Szenekenner auf jeden Fall dieser Schweden-Sechser in den Sinn.
DARK VISION were formed in 1996 and have been performing extreme metal ever since, starting of as a heavy/black six piece resulting to a straight death/black quartet nowadays.
