


Fyrnask came to life in winter 2008.

Arisen from the womb of the earth, Fyrnask is creating images of times and places long forgotten and which origins are only indirectly accessible for mankind.

The dead corpses of our ancestors and the artifacts they have crafted, they tell us the old stories that are lying in the deep gloomy waters of northern europe. Inspired by these stories, old rituals, pangermanic-spiritism, decay, bloom and nature itself the first demo "Fjǫrvar Ok benjar" was born in October 2010. "Düsterwald" distributed this demo and it got a splendid resonance.
Fyrnask signed in 2011 to ToT records to shape another archaic artefact called "Bluostar", that will furthermore remain true to the visions, that Fyrnask is feeling obliged to follow.


2010 - Fjǫrvar Ok Benjar (Demo)

2011 - Bluosta

2013 - Eldir Nótt

2016 - Fórn

2018 - Live In Oslo (Live)

2018 - Samhain Celebration MMXVIII (Split)

2021 - VII: Kenoma



Bluostar - Cover
Mit dem deutschen Black Metal-Projekt FYRNASK betritt Alleinunterhalter (die in diesem Genre ja zahlreich vertreten sind) Fyrnd das Feld, der lediglich in Sachen Artwork-Gestaltung und lyrischer Ergüs
Eldir Nótt - Cover
Mysteriös, mysteriös.
Cover Fyrnask VII – Kenoma

FYRNASK klingen auf „VII – Kenoma“ bedrohlich, aggressiv und andächtig zugleich.


Band Termin Land / Ort / Location
Catacombs Of Metal - Fäulnis, Fyrnask, Blackshore + Alto Lago
Fäulnis, FYRNASK, Blackshore, Alto Lago
2015-04-11 Deutschland / Ulm / CAT