Eigentlich wollten COLLAPSE UNDER THE EMPIRE in diesem Jahr den zweiten Teil von „Shoulders & Giants“ nachlegen, verschoben dann aber den Release von “Sacrifice & Isolation”auf
BiografieCollapse Under The Empire is an instrumental post-rock duo from Hamburg / Germany. They formed 2007, when Chris Burda and Matthew Jason got together to develop their own music . They both released the first four songs for the EP Paintball in summer 2008.Collapse Under The Empire
After that they came up with their self-produced albums, Systembreakdown (Feb. 2009) and Find A Place To Be Safe (Jan. 2010).
Six months after the appearance of the second release, they put out their most psychodelic album, The Sirens Sound…Quelle: http://www.collapseundertheempire.com/ www
COLLAPSE UNDER THE EMPIRE haben Großes vor, “Shoulders & Giants” ist nur der erste Teil eines Doppelalbums.
COLLAPSE UNDER THE EMPIRE lassen dem geneigten Musikfreund nicht viel Zeit, „The Sirens Sound“ erscheint recht flott nach dem Album.