
Airged L´Amh

BiografieAirged L’amh is a heavy metal band based in Athens. Originally formed as a school band and under the name “Ragarok” , Alexander Vasilopoulos(guitars) and John Georgopoulos(vocals) created a group that would move in epic/folk fields even with the lyrics based on ancient legends of battles from all around the world. The band started writing songs and soon completed the line up with another guitarist (Michalis Peradinos) , a bass player (Gus Makrikostas) and a drummer(George Zoubourlis).

With only one change in that line up (George Thanasopoulos taking place behind the drum kit) the band was forced to change the name because two other (internationally known) bands were having the same name. The decision was “Airged L’amh”(This is Gaelic , in plain English it means “The Silver Arm”).

In early 1996 the band enters the studio to record their first ever demo , after having played several gigs in local clubs , and nearly being a legend of the Greek epic metal scene .The result was stunning. “A Vertigo Edda Arised” as it was finally called consisted of 5 songs lyrically based on Northern Europe’s mythology . The track list was : 1)Heart of my Kingdom , 2)The Vision Revealed , 3)The Wedding , 4)Ragnarok , 5)One Eyed God.

The band sold over 400 copies of the demo within the first week of its release and got numerous triumphant reviews on local and global press for this effort . Though the production was not the best , the demo made a strong impact due to the emotional power and strength contained .And that made the band respectful to everyone. Many gigs followed but as it usually happens , bad times for the band came…

After 1998 there were several changes in the line-up as the members of the band had to serve their duty in the army. Alexander Vasilopoulos would continue to write songs and when Airged L’amh got back together , only three members were now in the band . A guitarist and a vocalist was missing . George Sofikitis (guitars) and Steve Venardo (Vocals) were the two people to complete the puzzle.
After the completion of the line-up , the band felt confident and started immediately writing songs for the new album. In the meantime , the band signed a contract with “Metal Reunion Records” and the demo “A Vertigo Edda Arised” was re-released in 2002 containing 2 new songs(promo recordings) with the new line-up of the band.

Finally in autumn 2003 ,and with John Luna Tsimas replacing Gus Makrikostas in bass, the band enters the studio to record “The Silver Arm” as the album was finally entitled. The current line-up was : Steve Venardo (Vocals) , Alexander Vasilopoulos (Guitars) , George Sofikitis (Guitars) , John Luna Tsimas(bass) and George Thanasopoulos (Drums). The album contains 13 songs with over 1 hour of music.

The track list is : 1)Guardian Of The Ancient Deeds , 2)Fate Of The king , 3)Dissention Seeds , 4)Warp Spasm , 5)Mourning Grief , 6)The Silver Arm ,7)Balor Of The Evil Eye , 8)The Arrival , 9)Armies Assemble , 10)Splendor Divine , 11)Painless Vengeance , 12)End Domain , 13)Homeland.


Steve Venardo / Vocals

Alexander Vasilopoulos / Guitar

George Sofikitis / Guitar

John Luna Tsimas / Bass

George Thanasopoulos / Drums

Quelle: - A Vertigo Edda Arise

2004 - The Silver Arm


Airged L´Amh_1
Montag 03.01.2005
Die True Metal - Welle hat in Europa nun auch Griechenland befallen, das sich anschickt, seine Krieger in die Schlacht um den Echtmetall - Thron zu entsenden. Falls dabei alle Vertreter so authentisch klingen wie die Zungenbrecher AIRGED L’AMH, geht diese Offensive jedoch voll in Ordnung.


The Silver Arm - Cover
Dass Griechenland in Sachen Metal aufrüstet, sollte sich mittlerweile herumgesprochen haben, nur leider kann ein Großteil dieser Newcomer nur Höflichkeitsapplaus ernten, da man sich dort zu sehr, ähnl