Loch Vostok
Zu diesem Zeitpunkt wechselte Möller vom Schlagzeug an die Vocals und an die Gitarre und den ex EL PRESIDENTE Mitgliedern Alvaro Torres am Schlagzeug und Niklas Kupper, ebenfalls an der Gitarre.
Grandin zog in die USA um und wurde durch den ex MELLOW POETRY-Bassisten Tomas Jonsson ersetzt. Zusammen mit Produzent Daniel Bergstrand nahmen LOCH VOSTOK ihr Debütalbum �Dark Logic� auf, das im Jahr 2004 erschien.
Sebastian Okupski entschied sich für die Band BULLDOG; und Ersatz wurde schnell mit Keyboarder Andreas Lindahl (PLATITUDE) gefunden.
Er spielte einige Live-Shows mit der Band und nahm auch die Keyboards für die neue Platte auf, aber letztendlich führte die Distanz seines Wohnortes Göteborg zum Bandsitz in Uppsala zur Trennung, da Proben so gut wie unmöglich wurden.
Ein Freund und alter Weggefährte von Möller und Kupper, ANIMA MORTE Keyboarder und Komponist Fredrik Klingwall, stieß letztendlich neu zur Band, die nun ihr festes Line-Up gefunden hat.
�Destruction Time Again� wurde vom Duo Möller/ Kupper in den Blueflame Studios in Uppsala produziert. Auch das Cover-Artwork gestaltete Teddy Möller.
Loch Vostok was born from the ashes of Mayadome, a semi-professional
progressive metal act hailing from Uppsala/Sweden. After 10 years Drummer
Teddy Möller was tired of the cheeze and decided to start something more
meaty, hence Loch Vostok was born. Stealing 2 members from Mayadome with
him, Keyboardist Sebastian "Zeb" Okupski, a polish/finnish viking with keyboards
powered by the plutonium he stole from KGB, and Bassist Erik Grandin, the eclectic
elder of low end rumble, it was an easy start since they allready
knew eachother well. Teddy burned his drumkit as a sacrifice to Satan
( ok that´s a lie, he still have them stashed somewhere...anywayz...eeeh)
and started playing guitar and singing lead vocals in the band
( he was dead tired of carrying his drumkit around).
Erik Grandin soon decided to leave the band to dedicate his life to watching
Formula 1 on TV and eating large amounts of snacks and pizza.
( Actually he found the love of his life and moved to the US )
eeeh...here´s another ( ): ( he´s back now with girlfriend
and daughter cuz he missed his mom´s porkchops )
but by then we had allready replaced Erik with Bassmeister Tomas "Tym" Jonsson,
a large package of muscles, fitnessgod Tym was ready to thrash the world with his
enormously grotesque bullneck headbang.
Being a picky controlfreak sonofabitch,
Teddy chose the best musicians he could find in the western hemisphere,
Alvaro Romero Torres, a jazzy thrashy grinding splashfest of death, was chosen
among hundreds of thousands of applying wannabeez ( actually Alvaro was the only applicant )
and Teddy now only had to find a really cool second guitarist...
From the depths of Gottsunda emerged a beast, a greek lieutenant, an alcohol drenched
bastard son of Yngwie and Kerry King, Niklas Kupper was his terrestial denomination.
Loch Vostok was now ready to take over the world
Quelle: http://www.lochvostok.com/index2.htmlDiscografie2004 - Dark Logic
2006 - Destruction Time Again
2009 - Reveal No Secrets