BiografieThe name RAM says quite a lot about the music that the band performs. The music is an uncompromising style of Heavy Metal, it does not sound retro neither does it sound modern to the ex-tent that it is Metal that has lost it´s original meaning. RAM´s sound has been described by listeners as aRam
blend of Judas Priest, Black Sabbath and Iron Maiden but with a strong original feel throughout all of the material. RAM feel an urge to show the world that Metal does not have to be overly melodic to give the music atmosphere. Nor does it have to be too brutal in order to be intense enough. From a lyrical point of view RAM take a stand towards the non-fictive and concrete. RAM realise the individual and the hardships he stands before in today´s world, a successful attempt is made to elevate the feelings that arise inside those who walk their own path.
The Band was formed in 1999 by Harry Granroth in Gothenburg, Sweden. Harry is an incredible Metal guitar player, delivering not only bonecrunching riffs but some of the most tasteful guitar solos in the industry today. Harry had been working with some of the material for several years before
he finally decided that the time had come to recruit other musicians. First up was youngblood Daniel Johansson, a furiously fast but yet very melodic guitar player with outstanding technique, who at once came to have a crucial part in the song writing process. In the fall of 2001 Harry hooked up with vocalist Oscar Carlquist, Oscar is a very powerful, but yet innovative traditional Heavy Metal vocalist with an impressive range. Oscar took on the responsibility of writing lyrics and the base of the band was formed. One year later bassplayer Leif Larsson (ex. Frozen eyes, NME Within) was asked to join the band, Leif added yet another dimension to the bands sound with his remarkable skills. Leif is an absolute low frequency master.
Around the same time Drummer Morgan Pettersson (ex. B-Thong) joined the band, Morgans blend of retro and modern drumming combined with his exact timing and powerful strokes became a great addition to the band. The band begun rehearsals for the 2003 E.P "Sudden Impact". RAM´s music fills a void that is present in Metal at the moment. Only a handful of bands that play real quality Heavy Metal suitable for the 21´st
century exist today.
RAM´s metal ramapge so far can only be described as an underground metal success story. Thousands of metal fans have downlaoded the MP3´s, the band landed a gig at the "Metal Dayz" festival performing with bands like Slayer, Destruction, Blaze and Annihilator and grabbed the number one position on the prestigious "Underground Records" online list. The "SUDDEN IMPACT" EP will not leave any fan disapointed it is a furious attack off uncomprising Heavy Metal performed in RAM´s own unique way. Looking ahead, one thing is certain... the future will get RAMMED!
Quelle: http://www.ram-metal.comDiscografie2009 Lightbringer
2005 Forced Entry
2003 Sudden Impact (EP)
„Death“ ist das neuste..ähm..Lebenszeichen der Schweden RAM, welche sich besonders mit dem letzten Werk „Lightbringer“ endgültig mit einem eigenständigen Sound etablieren konnt
Schon das Cover und das Bandlogo bestätigt was dann kurz danach mit dem harten, schnellen und von kreischenden Gitarren dominierten "Shadowman" aus den Lautsprechern knallt.
Kurz und bündig – RAM können ihr überragendes Debüt „Forced Entry“ aus 2005 mit dem nach 4 Jahren endlich erschienenen Nachfolger „Lightbringer“ nicht toppen.