Nachtfrost is German and means something like "night freeze". The project was spontaneous founded after an inspiring journey from SK across Germany at the beginning of 2007.
"Hört ihr mich? Ich hab euch etwas mitgebracht - Schreie aus der Nacht..." - urtümlich, melodisch und doch mit der nötigen Härte, Musik mit Wurzeln und Zukunft - das ist moderner Mittelalterrock.
it acht fing ich an, Konzertgitarre zu lernen. Die E-Gitarre kam ein paar Jahre später autoditaktisch dazu.
The band NADER SADEK emerges out of a collaboration between Sadek and some of extreme music's most talented artists with its core made up out of songwriter/vocalist Steve Tucker (ex-MORBID ANGEL), CRY
After an endless period of silence, in the summer of 95, singer Vicent and bassist Anselmo of former Deat formation Obscure decided to start a brand new project with a slower and heavier approach to m
1994 - At the ends of 1994 Morpheas and Lord Alatoth decided to create a band that would play extreme Black Metal and the band´s lyrical theme would be the glorification of the ancient Europe.
The ancient legends of the North prophesize, that the dark enemies of the world will attack the gods at the fiery end of days on the ship NAGLFAR.
Naildown first saw daylight as a project band somewhere around November-December 2003. The band was formerly known as Acid Universe and made two demos under that name.
In december 2002 Toni(Lötjönen) decided to form a Slayer cover-band with his band mate Simo. Toni asked Jori if he wanted to take on the drums and of course Jori said yes.
From an oversaturated and often repetitive scene, Cleveland, Ohio natives Narcissus have come forth as a powerful, passionate band of artists determined to challenge hardcore’s dogmatic traditions.
Formed in 1991 with Carlos Sousa (vocal), Andre´ Veras (bass), Henrique Fontanele (guitar) and Julio (drums).
Fast, heavy, playful, heartbreaking melodies, just some words that describe the sound, the massage and the incredible power of NARZISS.
Nastrandir ist der Zusammenschluss von vier jungen Musikern aus Norddeutschland, die unter dem Banner der Asen an heilige Haine und ruhmreiche Ahnen erinnern.