Drei Jahre nach „Noble Savage“ hatten VRGIN STEELE die mehr als undankbare Aufgabe, diesem Meilenstein einen würdigen Nachfolger zur Seite zu stellen, der den hohen Erwartungen der Fans zu
BiografieOn the 8th of September – a moment we’ve all been waiting for – the romantic-barbaric power metal band VIRGIN STEELE will be laying another cornerstone with their eleventh studio album on the 25th anniversary of their existence. And David DeFeis is again responsible for composition, arrangements and production. Virgin Steele
VIRGIN STEELE’s success story began in New York in 1981 when the dedicated power-mental band with classical music influences takes three weeks to put together their pocket-money-financed demo album in the tiny Studio 3973. David DeFeis is the name of the mastermind behind the band; he likes to describe heavy metal as being “romantic, symphonic,
expressionistic barbaric metal.” He takes the bull by the horns and relentlessly sends Virgin Steele I to reporters and labels and sells copies to concert-goers and shop owners from out of the trunk of his car. The first two albums they produce themselves, but soon everybody wants to know about the ambitious band and twelve months later VIRGIN STEELE gets
their first label deal with Music For Nations.
The turning point comes with the third LP, Noble Savage (1986), which still applies as a cornerstone in this genre – the way classic and metal, bombast and melody, but also hardness and an jab of progressive is mixed is simply state of the art. This album marks a turning point in the band’s history; guitarist Jack Starr has just left the band and is replaced by Edward Pursino who also composes and still contributes to VIRGIN STEELE’s success today.
The next album, Age Of Consent (1987) obviously sells better but due to diverse management/label conflicts the band has to put up with a long break of several years. Eventually VIRGIN STEELE is put under contract with T&T and Life Among The Ruins (1993) is released. Masterpieces like The Marriage Of Heaven And Hell Part I (1994) and Part II (1995) follow to reinforce the band’s reputation as being one of the best in their genre. The latter album sells extraordinarily well in Europe and even places 5th on the Japanese metal charts.
And on top of that David DeFeis even composes and brings two full-on metal-operas on stage: Klytaimnestra oder der Fluch der Atriden (based on the two VIRGIN STEELE albums The House Of Atreus – Acts I & II) as well as Die Rebellen, the epic that follows shortly thereafter, premieres with huge success in Germany, is extravagantly staged and taken on tour. In this sense David DeFeis combines classical subject matter and true power metal like no other before him. Twenty-five years after the founding of the band in the Big Apple, the eleventh epic is ready to present: Visions Of Eden – The Lilith Project – A Barbaric Romantic Movie Of The Mind. Contrary to what the title implies, it promises no utopian sagas, even though the orchestration again shows lavish full-metallic creativity and the band re-demonstrates its compositional strength.
The maestro DeFeis expresses the album’s content and concept as such:
“The Album Visions Of Eden is not about happiness, peace, contentment or eternal tranquility, but describe a sinister scenario full of destruction and pugnacious chaos. It is a work based on the destruction of Paganism, Gnosticism and the desecration and eradication of the Goddess Principle that once dwelled so freely within divinity. A massive blow was struck against these early beliefs, by first, the rise of the "Father-God" principle, and second by the development of the "organized" religions. The main character in Visions Of Eden is Lilith, Adam’s first woman and a kind of female Prometheus whose
origins can be found in old Sumerian myths. It has nothing to do with biblical Adam and Eve, snake, fig leaf and rib propaganda. I also see strong references to the modern society in which we live in today.
Lilith, strong and independent, does not want to submit to Adam’s control, the patriarchy, and Adam fails to enter into a fruitful, equal relationship to this woman who personifies the divine life-force. Adam always wants to be “on top” – sexually and non-sexually – and the route of sorrow following the eleven songs of Visions Of Eden begins.”
A conflict that still hasn’t been settled and that David DeFeis here musically and controversially illustrates in a truly fabulous way applying VIRGIN STEELE’s symbolic-actual flaming sword of justice.
Quelle: http://www.musikvertrieb.ch/mvb2b/en/biography.html?id=43413Discografie1982 - Virgin Steele
1983 - Guardians Of The Flame
1985 - Noble Savage
1988 - Age Of Consent
1993 - Life Among the Ruins
1994 - The Marriage Of Heaven And Hell Part I
1995 - The Marriage Of Heaven And Hell Part II
1998 - Invictus
1999 - The House Of Atreus Act I
2000 - The House Of Atreus Act II
2006 - Visions Of Eden
Dienstag 17.10.2006
Kaum eine andere Band ist so kreativ wie die US Melodic Metal - Institution VIRGIN STEELE. Hier ein Theaterstück, dort eine Rockoper, zwischendrin mal ein neues Album und wenn die Zeit noch reicht, ein paar Akustikshows.
Donnerstag 10.07.2003
Nach der Uraufführung von "Lilith" gab sich "Mastermind" David De Feis sehr auskunftsfreudig über alte, aktuelle und geplante Projekte und plauderte natürlich aus dem Nähkästchen, was die Arbeit an, die Euphorie über und die Hintergründe zu seiner neuen Rockoper betrifft.
Donnerstag 22.03.2001
Nach dieser gigantischen Rock Oper "House of Atreus Act 1 + 2" waren Virgin Steele also endlich wieder auf Tournee im Vorprogramm von HammerFall. Es war ein gigantisches Konzert leider nur viel zu kurz. Dennoch fand Mastermind und Komponistengott David DeFeis Zeit, sich ne Runde mit mir zu unterhalten und er hatte wirklich viel interessantes zu erzählen...
Montag 21.10.2002
Was soll man dazu noch sagen? Zwei Rock Opern, Eine Doppel und eine normale CD. Dazu ein Best Of Album und eine CD mit bisher unveröffentlichten Songs. Und nun werden noch die ersten beiden Scheiben der Herren um David DeFeis re-released. Natürlicc komplett überarbeitet und mit viel Bonus Material....
Anlässlich des 20. Bandgeburtstages gibt es also nebendem Debütalbum "Virgin Steele" auch das zweite Werk"Guardians Of The Flame" " bisher nur auf Vinyl
Nach dem Meisterwerk "Invictus" von Defeis und Co. waren die Erwartungen zu dem neuen Album von Virgin Steele sehr hoch.
Um die Wartezeit auf Teil 2 seiner Rock Oper "House of Atreus" ein wenig zu verkürzen, kommt Mastermind David DeFeis nun mit der EP "Magick Fire Music" und zwei neuen Songs des im Herbst erscheinende