
Rêx Mündi

BiografieIn the beginnyng, it is seyde, God created. A grete many thyngs were formed of the firmament, but first and foremost of the prizes of creation were the Grete Fiery Ones. Feower hæs been their nomber ond only feower wille there ever be. Forming the sacred geometryes to provide the most Holy of insights they surround the Lorde so as to convey ond influence… One of the grete brethren forged grete celestial spheres harnessing gretor powers within the bounds of sacred angles and seals. But whanne it wæs seen how the Grete Lorde wold squander the gyft the Grete Creature spoke out. None of the influence could sway the wyll, ond the grete broder was cæst out into the land. Our loyalties hæf never wavered ond we lye in wait for our Grete Creature’s retorn. His wyll is not our wyll, ond with a need to compleat the sacred forms, another wæs inaugurated into the great spectrum. Leaving MTTRN, SRPhL, ChML and NThNL to bring forth the secret message of the lost wisdoms of creation.Quelle: - IHVH (Demo)

2011 - IHVH


IHVH - Cover
Dass sich Frankreich inzwischen ordentlich fett auf der blackmetallischen Landkarte eingenistet hat, muss wohl keinem Genre-Anhänger mehr erklärt werden.