Das Trio aus Pennsylvania mit dem etwas seltsamen Bandnamen existiert schon seit 2005 und kann auf ein komplettes Album und eine EP zurückblicken.
Slik Helvetika
by Dennis Otto
BiografieSlik Helvetika steps into 2009 with their much anticipated first major full length release titled "HAFNIUM". Slik Helvetika's history starts 2005: debut disc. Very simply Mik recording the kind of music he liked to write/play with no cares of what current trend was popular. The disc got alot of attention and charted all the way up to 19 on college radio on Mik's own Label Screaming Mimi Records. Slik followed up with various live performances at rock festivals and as support for national acts and meet demand.
The band signed with Screaming ferret Records 2007 and the follow up 5 song E.P. titled "Krypt Kicker-5" was released quickly while Mik was writing Hafnium. "KK5" had a more aggressive feel and featured bizarre humored skits and material pre-dating 1995. "It was minimizing risk giving this to an outside small indie lable as a trial run rather than our best and newest material in case it sat on a shelf with no promotion." It was alot of fun though!
Influences best pointed at are: Rob Halford/Priest, Queen, Sweet, Randy Rhoads, Zak Wyld, Butch Walker and the marvelous 3.
The name is rather mysterious and fans like to add their own twist to what they think it means. It rolls out easy, sounds bold and leaves alot to the imagination. The words, and terms associated have a bold history through the 1500's.What does Confoederatio Helvetica mean in Latin?, why were Helvetican warriors thought to be invincible in the 1500s? which Helvetii tribe made captive Roman soldiers pass under the yoke upon victory in the battle of Gaul?, What threat did this hold for Caesar? Quelle: http://www.myspace.com/slikhelvetikaDiscografie2004 - Slikhelvetika
2006 - Krypt Kicker V (EP)
2009 - Hafnium