Bei LET THE NIGHT ROAR treibt sich mit Jeff Juszkiewics ein ehemaliger MALEVOLENT CREATION-Recke rum, der mit seinem neuem Projekt ohrenscheinlich seine Vorliebe für fiesen, old schooligen Metal ausle
BiografieLet The Night Roar lies somewhere between the doom of Internal Void/High on Fire and the elder metallic crunch of Celtic Frost/Venom. The Atlanta power trio contains ex-Malevolent Creation guitarist Jeff Juszkiewicz. OFuzz-tones and sonic amplification backed by solid drum smashing, and vocally somewhere between Kurt from D.R.I. and Matt Pike. Let The Night Roar cranks up a sonically perfect first release recorded by Jeff Bako, which fans of the aforementioned bands will worship with mind-numbing gleeQuelle: s/t www