BiografieRoss the Boss was born in the Bronx but now lives in Queens NY. Ross The Boss
As a child he showed great promise as a violin prodigy but when he first touched the electric guitar he knew he found his true love. He played in various bands in high school and the was discovered by Andy Shernoff at a show at New Paltz University. Andy drafted him for his band, the Dictators, and unleashed the the power of "the Boss" upon the world.
Ross also played in the critically acclaimed Shakin Street and the true-metal Manowar before returning to the Dictators and Manitoba´s Wild Kingdom in the late 80´s.
In 1994 he had a blues rock band called "Heyday" and in 1999 he vowed to put the fun back in Rock-N-Roll with "The Spinatras".
2004 saw him join Albert Bouchard, the original drummer for Blue Oyster Cult, in his band "The Brain Surgeons". They are currently touring and planning the release of a new album.
Ross is constantly writing and recording new music and reuniting with his old bands and former band members for special shows and projects.
Most recently he recorded an instrumental album with Dictators drummer JP Thunderbolt Patterson, available at iTunes, and he guests on Tarek from Majesty´s DawnRider.
Ross´ plans for 2006 include the release of the Brain Surgeons first all-Ross album "Denial of Death", A special appearance at the Keep it True Festival with Manowar cover band "Men of War" for a night of early Manowar music, The Brain Surgeons will tour the USA spring/summer and Europe in November, plus look for special shows with different bands all through the year.
Quelle: - New Metal Leader
2010 - Hailstorm
Da ist er wieder, der große Gitarrist, der seinerzeit den Sound von MANOWAR entscheidend mitgeprägt und mit seinem wie klirrende Schwerter klingenden Spiel den Begriff „True Metal“ mitdefi