

BiografieJohn Sebring - drums, backing vocals

Andrew Zuehlke - lead vocals, backing vocals

Dan Wolfe - guitars, keyboards

Pursuit´s music has been compared to Kansas, Queensryche and Dream Theater with influences ranging from ELP and Yes to Rush and Metallica. A quote from Dan Wolfe, "Some groups I enjoyed listening to include Kansas, ELP, Rush and Yes. Although I enjoyed their sound, it seemed the lyrics were hollow. It became my desire to couple my music with lyrics that would glorify God. This is what God has called me to pursue." In this lost world, Pursuit´s music is a real alternative to secular music. It appeals to the emotions and trials of all people in a positive Christian way. Their music paints a picture of Jesus´ saving grace through powerful lyrics and scripture based teaching. Much can be taught through lyrics and even more can be taught when lyrics are paired with powerful music. Perhaps it is here that their music gets its personality. It´s not just flashy musicianship, it´s music that paints a picture.


2005 - Quest


Quest - Cover
"Quest" ist das zweite Album der Christen - Proggies PURSUIT, die damit bei den Fans sicher verdiente Aufmerksamkeit erregen werden.