
Speckmann, Paul

Biografie"This Masterpieces collection is a cd composed of my favorite tracks that I have recorded with the various lineups over the last 25 years of my career. I began playing music with a band called Warcry 1981. We were most famous for our Trilogy of Terror demo, which eventually lead to the song Forbidden Evil written by my former bandmate Steve Ahlers, to appear on the Metal Massacre Four released by Metal Blade Records. Shortly after this release, shortlived Warcry drummer Bill Schmidt and I began a project called Master. We were heavily influenced by Motorhead and Venom at the time. After a difficult search for a guitar player, Schmidt and I parted company and this led to the formation of my first real band called Deathstike. After Master drummer Schmidt heard the outcome of this project, he joined the band as fast as he possibly could, and the band changed the name to Master again. We recorded the infamous Master demo´s which were released last year. Again anxiety and stress among the members caused an immediate seperation after only three shows. I subsequently put together the shortlived Funeral Bitch with former Assault member Alex Olvera followed by Abomination with Aaron Nickeas. The original band Master was reformed again to record for Nuclear Blast Records in 1989 along with the Abomination debut. Master would split up immediately after recording and The Fleishe tour with Master, Abomination, and Pungent Stench would include Nickeas on drums for both Speckmann groups, and I playing in my usual position as bassist and vocalist for both groups respectively. Jim Martinelli from the Chicago band Burnt Offering played guitars for Master, and Dean Chioles played guitars for Abomination. This compilation includes my favorite tracks as well as a few surprises and the latest incarnation of Master today, featuring Alea Nejezchleba on guitars and Zdenak Pradlovsky on drums playing as strong and energetic as ever. This is a must for collectors of Underground Metal!"
Quelle: CD 2005

sowie zahlose Scheiben mit Master, Abomination, Deathstrike, Solutions, Speckmann Project. www


Masterpieces - Cover
Nicht seine Meister-, sondern seine Lieblingsstücke hat Paul Speckmann hier verwurstet.