Nach ihrer starken Split mit BY NIGHT haben CIPHER SYSTEM das Rennen gewonnen und bringen als erste der beiden Bands ihr Debütalbum raus.
BiografieThe band started in late 1995 with JOHAN & ANDREAS on guitars, PONTUS on drums and HENRIC on bass. The desperate search for a singer haunted the band. BUT, he was found in 1997 and his name was DANI.Cipher System
After some months of rehearsing, CIPHER SYSTEM (back in those days, known as ETERNAL GRIEF) entered studio "Fullmoon" for their first recording. The "Path of Delight"-demo was the result. They also did a video for the titlesong on this demo. Directed by ALEX HANSSON (SOILWORK´S Rejection Role and IN FLAMES´ Trigger) After a while they recived contracts from various labels but didn´t sign with any of them due to shitty agreements!
In the end of ´99 CIPHER SYSTEM entered Studio Fredman ». They recorded the "Raped by Chaos" demo. Mixed by Anders Fridén (In Flames). This one was not well-produced and it was shortly left to collect dust... Though the titlesong is HEAVY as hell! (Just so You know) After this recording, guitarist Andreas and singer Dani left the band.
In the year 2000 CIPHER SYSTEM was in a vacuum. Nothing really happened and alot of things started to fuck everything up; the record lable situation and the lack of members. It wasn´t until spring ´01 things started to move again. They recruted an "electronics department" instead of a new guitarist. The executive of this department was PETER. Peter later helped talk Dani in to coming back to the band again.
CIPHER SYSTEM started to rehearse more and created songs as: "Life Surrounds", "In Perfection" and "24 hours Left" Johan wanted to focus on the musicprocess so Henric started to write the lyrics. After this recording the band changed their name to which today still is: CIPHER SYSTEM
In 2002 CIPHER SYSTEM did alot of things; They recorded Eyecon whitch did receive great response from all over the world! Labels showed interest but nothing was signed. CIPHER SYSTEM also got a new guitarist: MAGNUS ÖHLANDER. A young hillbilly from the "Mainland".
In march ´03 CIPHER SYSTEM went back to Studio Fullmoon (Bestial Mockery, Grief of Emerald, Obligatorisk Tortyr) to record some new songs: "SufferStream", "What if" and "Receive, Retrive and Escalate". These songs resulted in the demo "Promo 2003".
June 2003: CIPHER SYSTEM got themselves a manager and in June of 2004 Life Force records » will release a split CD with CIPHER SYSTEM and By Night ».
May 2004: CIPHER SYSTEM once again entered the gates of STUDIO FREDMAN and recorded their first fullength-CD, Central Tunnel 8.. It´s hard-hitting-melodic-skullbangin´ kickass METAL!!! And Central Tunnel 8 i set to be released on October 25th.! Keep a fuckin´ look-out!Quelle: - Split w/ BY NIGHT
2004 - Central Tunnel 8 www
Freitag 10.12.2004
CIPHER SYSTEM sind für Freunde des Göteborg-Sounds mehr als nur ein kurzes Reinhören wert und meiner Meinung nach eine frische neue Band aus Göteborg, die dem Genre neue Impulse gibt. Nach der starken Split-CD mit den Labelkollegen BY NIGHT steht seit einiger Zeit "Central Tunnel 8" bereit, die Herzen der Melodic Death-Freunde zu erobern.
CIPHER SYSTEM haben lange gebraucht, um den Nachfolger ihres Debütalbums in die Läden zu bringen, immerhin kam „Central Tunnel Eight“ 2004 in die Läden.