Die Esten sind die Besten und auf Festen feiern wir nur mit Esten. Alle Esten sind Satanesten. Hoho.
BiografieBeneath the layer of recognized leaders of the metal scene there has always been a world of it´s own - the pillars and walls that support the mighty. Since 1998 MANATARK, the premium blackened extreme metal act from Tallinn, ESTONIA, has taken different forms and roles in the construction of these underground halls. Starting as a solo project by Draconic and growing into one of the landmarks of Estonian metal with full line-up, this four-piece whirlwind of terror brings you a new album "Chaos Engine", where haunting riffs and symbolic poetry twist into a dark story of the Beast.Manatark
"Chaos Engine" can be considered a conceptional album, each element being a piece of a larger puzzle. The album title, as well as the cover artwork symbolizes the rise of Man by tasting the forbidden fruit, the real eye-opener, the Prometheus, bringer of fire. Undoubtedly most vicious and aggressive release by Manatark yet, the album shines an eerie light at the Beast within Man and it´s creative as well as destructive force.
Manatark has always steered clear of all possible definitions of "true metal", thus enjoying lurking in the subconsiousness of the listeners, exploiting the dark side of their minds. This furious mix of broad-minded art and technical excellence has won the band a remarkable number of milestones, which include co-operation with giants like Mayhem, Borknagar, touring together with Impaled Nazarene, and performing at the renown Inferno Festival 2002 in Oslo, where only selected few bands are able to break into the Norwegian scene.
"Chaos Engine" marks a new bright assault at everything standard, average and mediocre. Listen and behold. There´s unmistakable sincerity in their wrath.
Quelle: http://www.sureshotworx.deDiscografie"Roosteitk" demo 1998
"Viimanegi Veri" CD 2000
"Chaos Engine" CD 2003
Donnerstag 01.04.2004
Draconic heißt im richtigen Leben Kaido Haavandi und hat unter anderem ziemlich Schalk im Nacken. Nach vielen, vielen Interviews tut ihm nämlich sein Hintern schon weh - vom Sitzen am PC - und von seiner Unterleibshygiene möchte er in diesem Zusammenhang gar nicht sprechen.