"Culture Of Ascent" nennt sich das mit einem unglaublich guten Artwork versehene neuste Werk der Progger GLASS HAMMER.
BiografieGlass Hammer officially began in 1992 when longtime friends Steve Babb and Fred Schendel began writing and recording the Tolkienesque concept album "Journey of the Dunadan". They released the album independently in 1993 and were amazed when several thousand copies were purchased through the internet, The QVC Shop At Home Network, several international distributors, and their own toll-free order number. The stage was set for a successful career that now includes nine albums and an enthusiastic, world-wide fan base that numbers in the thousands. Glass Hammer
The album featured performances by David Carter (Wyzards), Terry Clouse (Somnambulist), and solo-artist Michelle Young. Its success led to the construction of Sound Resources, a state-of-the-art recording studio where Glass Hammer albums (as well as albums by Somnambulist, Volare and others) are written and produced to this day.
In 1994 they began working on their second album "Perelandra", which was released in 1995. The album was an immediate success. Continued musical growth, a cooler tone, epic tracks and mind-blowingly complex passages were the hallmarks of this album as Glass Hammer began building its own mythos centered around a world called "Evermore". David Carter returned to perform on one track, as did Michelle Young. Tracy Cloud made her first appearance on Perelandra, as did Walter Moore who contributed vocals and twelve-string guitar.
In 1997 the band began working on their next epic. To tide fans over, they released "Live and Revived", a limited-edition collection of live rehearsal recordings and unreleased material written just after "Journey" was released. This featured the ´live´ group which was then made up of Steve, Fred, David Carter, Walter Moore, and Michelle Young.
"On To Evermore" came out to a flood of anticipation in March 1998. Continuing the story of "Perelandra", it added more guitar crunch to the atmospheric keyboard-rock that was GH´s trademark. "On To Evermore" also showcased the considerable vocal talents of Walter Moore, who sang lead on several tracks. Furthermore, the entire band branched out, Fred and Walter in particular playing a bewildering array of instruments. "On To Evermore" would receive critical acclaim from many sources and go on to be recognized as one of the better albums of 1998.
Glass Hammer released the retro-prog masterpiece "Chronometree" in April 2000. Fans quickly leaped at the chance to pick up this album full of vintage keyboards and blazing instrumental prowess. Guest stars Arjen A. Lucassen and Terry Clouse, as well as new vocalist Brad Marler, helped expand the GH sound even further. "Chronometree" quickly matched "Journey of the Dunadan" in its popularity, and became the most successful Glass Hammer album yet.
2001 saw the release of "The Middle-earth Album", a collection of songs based on Tolkien´s "Lord of the Rings" trilogy. This ´special edition´ album was the result of numerous fan-requests for Glass Hammer´s return to Middle Earth. Steve and Fred took those requests to heart, and literally returned to the world of halflings, elves, and trolls, recording their live performance (through means both magical and mysterious) at The Prancing Pony Inn in Bree. The group´s interest in Middle Earth has made them a huge hit with fans of Tolkien, who are already requesting future additions.
Released in 2002, "LEX REX" firmly established Glass Hammer as one of the most beloved and successful progressive rock groups in the world. A concept album of grand proportions, "LEX REX" seemed to combine all the best elements of the GH style: vintage synths, epic songs, complex vocal layering, virtuoso performances. "LEX REX" quickly became the group´s biggest "hit" with their established audience, and earned them thousands of new fans as well.
GH performed "LEX REX" live at NEARfest 2003 with the now "classic" GH lineup of Fred Schendel, Steve Babb, Walter Moore, Susie Bogdanowicz, and Matt Mendians, along with additional backup singers Bethany Warren and Flo Paris. Recording artist Eric Parker joined the group on acoustic guitar, as did a twenty member choir to fill out the vocal sections of songs from "LEX REX", "Chronometree" and "Perelandra". GH performed several concerts during 2003, and filmed a DVD.
2003 also saw production of the eighth GH album, "Shadowlands", which combines the legendary talents of Steve Babb and Fred Schendel, the incredible vocals of Walter Moore and Susie Bogdanowicz, a half-million dollar pipe organ, a string section, an arsenal of analog gear, and all the magic that modern recording technology has to offer. According to the group?s website, "Glass Hammer´s Shadowlands delivers everything that modern progressive rock should be: the vintage sounds, the contemporary production, the epic style." Glass Hammer?s musical output continues to grow in popularity around the world. The name "Glass Hammer" has become synonymous with high production standards, and epic storytelling realized through a bewildering array of musical styles, dominated by complex melodic progressive rock. Without a doubt, GH remain one of the most popular groups in the progressive rock genre.
Quelle: http://www.justforkicks.deDiscografie2007 Culture Of Ascent
2006 Live At Belmont (DVD)
2004 Live At Nearfest
2005 The Inconsolable Secret
2004 Lex Live (DVD)
2004 Shadowsland
2002 Lex Rex
2001 The Middle Earth Album
2000 Chronometree
1998 On To The Evermore
1997 Live And Revived
1995 Perelandra
1993 Journey Of The Dunadan
Sicher fragen sich die Fans der US - Proggies, warum GLASS HAMMER keinen größeren Szene - Status genießen.
"So Close, So Far", der Opener der amerikanischen Neo-Proggies von GLASS HAMMER startet mit akustischer, fast folkiger Gitarre, bevor man ruckzuck die Kurve kriegt - hin zu einem Klanggebilde welches
Die amerikanische Prog-Formation GLASS HAMMER hat sich mit der Zeit von einem nur Insidern bekannten Geheimtipp zu einer echten Größe im Progbereich gemausert.