BiografieInfluenced by the young heroes of an uprising Grind / Death Metal scene, Jose and Luisma had the idea of forming a band in 1990. After devouring a mixture of Grind, Death Metal and Punk that was the cause of that miscarriage was named Devourment but now its currently known as Haemorrhage. In 1992 the first demo Grotesque Embryopathology was recorded. Not satisfied at all with the result, the band decided dont spread it, and entered in comma during some months. Haemorrhage reborn as a project recruiting members of some young underground bands. So its how Lugubrious, Ramon and later Ana got in the picture. With the whole medical staff they record a promo-tape in May94. That promo helped them to get a record-deal with the german label Morbid Records. Haemorrhage became the first spanish band to get a deal with a foreign label. The Ep obnoxious is released to present their medical habilities in the european underground. Emetic Cult is released in 1995, and it curiously became a cult (!) album for many fans, and getting Haemorrhage the chance to infect Europe during the legendary Grind Over Europe tour. Just before the tour Rojas joined the band to replace Jose on drums. In 1997 the second album is released and instantly reached the Top-1 in all the Morgues and the Hospital halls playlists, spreading the Haemorrhage name worldwide. In 1998 a third album Anatomical Inferno is excreted and devoured by a ingrowing legion of pathological students, and funeral directors. In 2000 Haemorrhage paid the dues with some of their long-time influences with Loathesongs a MCD full one the sweet tunes that made these guys as sick as they are. In 2002 Morgue sweet home brought Haemorrhage to the top of the musical and medical scene, getting the funeral praises of both media and fans, and forcing the band to pack their surgical equipment and get in a bus with Cryptopsy, Profanity and Spawn during 24 days and nights, to exhibit their mortuary collections across Europe, including a massive operation in With Full Force Festival. Some of all those live experiences are sutured, dissected and digitalized in a DVD; Visions from the Morgue, a documentary studied in all Universities and medical colleges. In 2004 Haemorrhage allied to the american psycopathologists of Impaled to prepare one of the sickest split Cds on these earth and below...Dementia Rex In 2005 Apology for Pathology got the challenge to beat the Morgue sweet home success. The mission was as hard as a open-lung biposy but their scalpels seems to be sharper as the operation is harder. The album reach the No.1 in all the operating rooms and it was voted by the 90% of the mortuary technicians as album of the decade. As a consequence Haemorrhage was asked to show their surgical technics in hosptitals of Japan and the United States (Maryland Death fest), but thats not a severe inconvenience for Haemorrhage, as their curriculum mortis includes performances in the best festivals and pathology congresses in Europe: Obscene Extreme, Fuck the commerce, Party.San, With Full Force, F.Y.U. In January 2007 the band's effort to emulate the legenday "Peel Sessions" is recorded. Ten songs voted by the fans on the bands myspace were included in their rawest version in another forensic o-pus: "The kill sessions", Released by Emetic Records. 2007 brought another pathological chapter: "Haematology" a top-quailty release including all the Eps recorded by the band from 1995 to 2005. Re-mastered, re-edited and re-gurgitated for the sickest goregrinders! In January 2008 a the songs for a new split CD with the german Grindrockers DEAD are recorded. The CD is released in May 2008 featuring 5 new songs and a cover of Sodom's hymn Ausgebombt. ....The Emetic Cult is still alive!!!Quelle: www
Wie man seine Fans glücklich macht, zeigen Spaniens Sickest HAERMORRHAGE mit dieser Compilation, auf der sich alle Tracks ihrer diversen Split-EPs (mit CHRIST DENIED, DAMNABLE, DENAK, GROINCHURN, INGR
HAEMORRHAGE sind zu einer Konstante im Grindcore-Bereich geworden, die auch auf ihrem fünften Album das CARCASS-Erbe pflegt.
HAEMORRHAGE macht Grindcore so, wie Grindcore in meinen Ohren klingen muß!