Alles Wissenswerte zu den schwedischen Elchtod - Thrashern hat Kollege Memme schon in seinem Review vom Vorgängeralbum "Chaos Complete" verwurstet.
BiografieINCAPACITY was formed in the late summer of 2002, when label manager, Omer Akay, called up Anders Edlund (SOLAR DAWN) one day, asking him if he would be interested in putting a band together, which he then could sign to his label, Cold Records. In return, Anders had to create a line-up, consisting of members from, more or less, well-known bands. Incapacity
Anders, who earlier had been in contact with his friend Robert "Skoog" Ivarsson (PAN-THY-MONIUM, ASHES, WOUNDED KNEE, FETT), about forming an old-school-sounding thrash/death metal band, now saw the chance to make this idle talk, a reality. When asked to join on guitar, Robert accepted. Christian Älvestam (UNMOORED, SOLAR DAWN, TORCHBEARER) was the next in line, being recruited, set to handle the guitar, alongside Robert. The bass-duites, was taken on by Anders himself. It would soon be seen, finding a sutiable drummer, was to be their biggest task, to that date. KALLE ANDERSSON (WARCOLLAPSE, EX-THE GREAT DECEIVER, EX-SKITSYSTEM), was in the band for quite some time, but since it didn´t work out, the position finally fell to Henrik Schönström´s lot (UNMOORED, SOLAR DAWN, TORCHBEARER). As goes for vocals, Roberth Karlsson (EDGE OF SANITY, PAN-THY-MONIUM, DARKIFIED, FACEBREAKER) was in the band for a short while, but since he felt that he wanted to give his mainband, FACEBREAKER, his full attention, the vocal-duties were passed on, to his colleague Andreas "Drette" Axelsson (EDGE OF SANITY, THE DONTCARES, INFESTDEAD, THE DEADBEATS, EX-MARDUK). With the line-up finally being stable, the last weeks of rehearsing, before entering the studio, passed rather painlessly, to everybodies relief.
In December 2002, the debut-album, entitled CHAOS COMPLETE, was recorded and mixed at the Black Lounge studios, together with producer Jonas Kjellgren (CARNAL FORGE, CENTINEX, DELLAMORTE, WORLD BELOW). Material-wise, you could say this album is a mixture of old-school death metal and new-school thrash metal. All arranged and performed in a very Swedish way. The album was released worldwide on the 24th of July 2003.
To be continued... Quelle: Chaos Complete
2004 9th Order Extinct
Freitag 17.10.2003
Schweden sind zu einigem fähig: Diese treffen sich nie, ohne Alkohol zu trinken - ausschließlich Bier und Absinth. Und meistens musizieren die lustigen "Tre Kronors" dabei - zugegebenermaßen amtlich.
Man kennt das ja: da kommt eine neue Band aus Schweden, spielt Death-Thrash und kann auf jede Menge gestandene Kollegen zurückgreifen.