Der Titel war bei der Entstehung dieses Albums durchaus auch Programm, denn die Ideen/Songs wurden über Jahre gesammelt und dann innerhalb von 20 Monaten produziert & abgemischt.
BiografieMetamorphosis is a project born in January 2001. Jean-Pierre Schenk, its composer, was born in 1953. He started playing the drums at the age of 19 as he was a student. Being an autodidact, he made his first concert 1 year later with a few jazz and rock musicians. His musical career really started as he founded the group Nature in 1971 with Giovanni Esposito, the guitar player on Metamorphosis. Very soon, the band became famous in the Suisse romande. Its music was deeply inspired at its beginnings by Pink Floyd, then evolved towards Genesis. As the singer left the group 2 years later, Jean-Pierre Schenk started singing and playing the drums as did Phil Collins at the time. The group made a series of memorable gigs, but unfortunately never found the manager who could have given it more than false promises. In 1978 after new changes among the musicians the group definitively split. Metamorphosis
Jean-Pierre Schenk worked till 1995 with many musicians, producing and playing Italian and French varieties, and played �covers� with a band called Monday Blues Band till 1998. The idea of Metamorphosis came to him as he bought a house in autumn 2000 in which he could have his own home-studio. The style of the music was obvious to him: progressive rock, as �this is the only music which can take my heart, my soul and my guts.�
After composing and arranging all songs, which took him 8 months, he recorded the drums in another studio. Then came the vocals, which he recorded at home. He let Giovanni Espositio - who else? - play the guitars on all the titles but one. Mixing all the tracks was a hard job. David Grillon, a sound-engineer, revealed himself more than competent in giving the project its final touch. The whole project needed 20 months to be fulfilled.
Quelle: Dark
2004 Then All Was Silent
2003 Nobody Cares
2002 After All This Years
Mit „Song For My Son“ eröffnet das vierte Album der Schweizer Prog-Formation METAMORPHOSIS ungewöhnlich gitarrenlastig, ohne traditionellen Prog-Zugaben außen vor zu lassen.
Beim ersten Werk des Schweizer Projekts "Metamorphosis" um Multinstrumentalist (aber in der Hauptsache Keyboarder & Sänger) Jean-Pierre Schenk von 2002 war das Cover noch ganz in einer Art grünlicher
METAMORPHOSIS erfinden das Rad wahrlich nicht neu - wo sich die Konkurrenz von den Pink Floyd Wurzeln zu lösen beginnt, bleibt der Schweizer Multi-Instrumentalist Jean-Pierre Schenk sich und seinen Vo