Im September schockten ADAM WEST ihre Fans mit der Mitteilung, dass sie sich auflösen würden.
Biografie"You wanted the best and you got it, the hottest band in the land . . . Adam West!"Adam West
1 January 2003
If you recognize where that line is from, then you know what time it is. Adam West is a rock-n-roll band, period. Take Iggy & the Stooges, Black Sabbath, The Misfits, The MC5, KISS, AC/DC, and mix in the best 60s garage punk and you´ve got Adam West. Can ya dig it?
Adam West has won the 2001, 2000, 1999, and 1998 Washington Area Music Association Wammie Award for Best Hard Rock Group; singer Jake Starr won the 2000 and 1998 Wammie for Best Hard Rock Vocalist. That´s six awards in four years!
First things first . . . Adam West is soon to release their 4th full-length rock-n-roll opus on People Like You Records and return to Europe in September/October 2003 for a full-scale European tour. Now that that´s been said, here is some recent history: Adam West released their 3rd full-length album, the rock masterpiece Right On!, on People Like You Records (Europe) in September 2001. Right On! was released in February 2002 by the Telegraph Company in the USA. Myrmecoleo Records in Japan will release Right On! with five exclusive live bonus tracks soon.
In Summer 2002, Adam West completed their 3rd headlining tour of Europe. To promote the tour, People Like You Records released a 20-song collection from the years 1993-99 called Ready Steady Adam West! A second companion 20-song collection from the years 1999-2000 called Hi-Balls Are Rolling! will be released soon by Twenty Stone Blatt Records in Scotland.
Adam West was formed in the early 1990s, when singer Jake Starr decided to form a 60s garage band. Adam West started gigging around Washington, D.C. and soon built up a local following. Jake immediately started his own label, Fandango Records, and started recording and releasing Adam West material . . . totally D.I.Y.
Their first single in 1993 "I Get a Sensation" was a rave-up garage slice and got Adam West international distribution by Get Hip Distribution. This record began the record collector´s nightmare that is the Adam West discography! As of Summer 2002, Adam West has released over 20 7" singles, one 10" EP, five CDs, and has made over 20 high-profile appearances on various compilation CDs. Check their discography and be scared . . . be very scared!
Through all this recording and mayhem, Adam West has toured the East Coast, West Coast, Midwest and as mentioned earlier, all over Europe three times. They have rocked with some of the best bands in the genre: Hellacopters, Gaza Strippers, BellRays, Zen Guerilla, Electric Frankenstein, Candy Snatchers, B-Movie Rats, American Heartbreak, Groovie Ghoulies, D-Generation, Mud City Manglers, Silver Tongued Devil, Muffs, to name a handful. They´ve also appeared on four local cable TV shows (including two high-profile appearances on MegaHertz), played local festivals like the Taste of DC, and have gotten frequent play on local Washington-area radio (WHFS-99.1 FM, WMUC 88.1 FM, and DC-101 FM), as well as national college radio.
Whew! If all this wasn´t enough to read, the REAL story is on their kick-ass website. There is where you´ll find all the accolades, scorching reviews, and killer soundbytes. So what are you waiting for? Fire up that web browser and get cracking!
Adam West is Jake Starr (throat), Steve (guitar, bass), and Ben Brower (drums, guitar).
Quelle: "I Get A Sensation" b/w "Little Sister" 7"
1993 "Cough/Cool" 7"
1994 "Dance Session" 7" EP
1996 Adam West/Bubblegum Christ split 7" EP
1996 "Halloween/She" b/w "Search & Destroy" 7" EP
1997 Mondo Royale CD
1998 Adam West/Mazinga split 7"
1998 Adam West/Candy Snatchers split 7"
1999 Adam West/BellRays split 7"
1999 13 de luxe CD
1999 "Yr Days Are Numbered, Motherfucker" b/w "Have Your Way With Me" 7"
2000 "Sizzleen" b/w "Supernaut" 7"
2000 "Grassy Knoll EP" 7"
2000 The Powder Monkeys/Adam West split 7"
2001 "Piece of Ass" b/w "Iron Chain" 7"
2001 Adam West/Rickshaw split 7"
2001 Speaking With The Devil: A Tribute To Glenn Danzig triple 7" box set
2001 Hi-Balls Are Rolling! 10" EP
2001 The Hellacopters/Adam West split 7"
2001 Dogs of Lust/Adam West split 7"
2001 Right On! CD/ LP
2001 "Flower, Fist and Bestial Wail" 7" EP
2002 Mary Slim/Adam West split 7"
2002 Ready Steady Adam West! CD/ LP
2002 "Sixth Son of a Seventh Son" 7"
2002 "In the Back of My Hearse" 7"
2004 "Hi-Balls Are Rolling!" CD
Dienstag 23.09.2008
Auf Regen folgt Sonnenschein – aber manchmal geht’s eben leider auch anders rum. So freuten sich die Fans von ADAM WEST Anfang dieses Jahres noch über die Nachricht, dass der Vierer aus Washington DC ein neues Album aufnimmt, um im September von der Mitteilung überrascht zu werden, dass die Band sich auflösen werde.
Samstag 22.07.2006
ADAM WEST sind veröffentlichungswütig. Grade erst Ende letzten Jahres hat der Vierer aus Washington DC sein letztes Album herausgebracht, und schon wird direkt eine Compilation mit 24(!) raren Tracks nachgeschoben.
Freitag 23.07.2004
Wer glaubt, dreckigen Rock ´n Roll könnten nur noch skandinavische Bands spielen, sollte spätestens mit dem neuen Album von ADAM WEST eines Besseren belehrt werden. Die Band aus Washington D.C. spielt Rockmusik, wie sie sein muss: rau und dreckig, den Fuß dabei immer auf dem Gaspedal.
Beim Dortmunder Label People Like You liegt man eigentlich nie wirklich verkehrt: Genau wie bei Hellcat oder Epitaph erscheinen hier fast ausschließlich Platten, auf deren Qualität man sich verlassen
Obwohl ADAM WEST bekennende Anhänger der guten alten 7-inch-Single sind und diese als ihr Haupt-Medium nutzen, gelingt es ihnen immer wieder, im regelmäßigen Zwei-Jahres-Abstand neue Alben aufzunehmen
Washington, D.C. : Das Weiße Haus, wahnsinnige Scharfschützen und wohl auch eine sehr muntere Punk-Szene. Adam West rocken seit mehr als zehn Jahren durch die amerikanische Hauptstadt.