Neu auf dem Markt ist die NECRONOMICON-Scheibe nicht, kam sie doch schon 1999 in einer 1000er-Erstauflage auf den Markt.
BiografieWhat we got here is the real art of Death Metal, all that relates to death´s customs, practices and laws... This is what Montreal´s NecronomicoN is all about.Necronomicon (CAN)
Officially formed in 1991 by guitarist/frontman Rob "the Witch", the band has been in constant evolution on every angle. The Morbid Ritual demo tape is what started the process, 5 songs of absolute occult swiftness which got critically acclaimed and reviewed in numerous countries. Unfortunately the few years that followed were the results of internal problems (theft, damage, etc.) which obviously led to several line-up changes and delayed the band´s next release. On another hand, NecronomicoN has been able to optimize it´s live performance as the band constantly played throughout the province, gaining recognition left and right. NecronomicoN was by then considered as one of the main acts in the local metal scene.
1995. NecronomicoN enters Victor Studio to record it´s first MCD. Engineered by Pierre Remillard (Cryptopsy, Obliveon, Anvil...), The Silver Key overviews the band´s first years with tracks like "Morbid Ritual", "Hunting Horror" and "Cthonians" while defining a new beginning with the title track. "The Silver Key" offers new elements of vibrating harmony never experienced before in the band. Once released the following year, agencies´ interest led NecronomicoN to share stages with Mercyful Fate and Cradle of Filth among others, as well as invitations to perform at the Milwaukee and Montreal Metalfests.
The year of ´98 focused on preparing and recording the debut full length album as NecronomicoN hits Peter Pan Studio. Back at Victor to process mixing and mastering, Pharaoh of Gods was released in August 1999 under Canadian licensing by Hypnotic Records (Voivod, Kataklysm, Anvil...) and re-released in 2001 for worldwide distribution by Unique Leader Records. The spiritual, yet extreme opus contains 9 tracks of absolute rapidity and technicality, making this metal masterpiece unique in it´s kind. As the trio is now solid with Rick on drums and bassist Dominik, a full Canadian tour with Kataklysm and Blood of Christ has just been completed. Further touring projects are in the works while new tracks are still being written for the upcoming album, due in mid 2003.Quelle: http://www.uniqueleader-europe.comDiscografieMorbid Ritual (demo) (1991 - indie)
The Silver Key (MCD) (1996 - B.C. Productions)
Pharaoh of Gods (CD) (1999/2002 - Hypnotic Records/Unique Leader)
Dienstag 11.03.2003
Atmospheric, yet brutal and dark deathmetal from the outskirts of Canada, from the east of the big country, that is NeconomicoN. Rob The Witch (guitar & vocals) answered this questions simply during a cold night in Canada, listening to music from a classical channel on the radio.