
Mörk Gryning

BiografieEver since 1995´s debut album, "Tusen år har gått…", MÖRK GRYNING have refused to follow in the footsteps of others and have walked their own paths - something which is made very clear on "Pieces of Primal Expressionism". The musical development displayed on the band´s three previous fullengths (besides the debut "Return Fire" released in 1997 and "Maelstrom Chaos" in 2001) has now come to it´s climax. Peter Nagy shows off all his talents as a drummer as the music flows seamlessly from precise and ultra-fast blastbeats to groovy midtempos and orgiastic fills. But neither Nagys drumming nor Jonas Berndts brilliant bassplaying performance get in the way of what should be the most important thing on all albums - the songwriting. Wether it´s "The Sleeping Star" with it´s ghastly feeling that sends shivers up your spine or "Fragments and Pieces" that knocks you to the floor - "Pieces of Primal Expressionism" will make an impression upon you.

As the first genuine Black Metal-band to use Daniel Bergstrands Dug Out studio (MESHUGGAH, IN FLAMES, SOILWORK) MÖRK GRYNING´s new album has been honoured with a sound that sticks out as a sore thumb amidst all the intentionally raw productions and the overly polished productions of their colleagues. The clarity and power in the production suit MÖRK GRYNING perfectly. New addition to the line-up; keyboardplayer Aeon adds another dimension to the album with his playing, but it doesn´t stop there - you can even find atypical instruments like violin, trombone and mellotrone on the album. "Pieces of Primal Expressionism" is a diverse album that will astound and amaze the listener. Black Metal in the twentyfirst century doesn´t need a gimmick to impress.
Quelle: http://www.mork-gryning.comDiscografieTusen år har gått… 1995

Return Fire 1997

Maelstrom Chaos 2001

Pieces Of Primal Expressionism 2003

Mörk Gryning 2005


Maelstrom Chaos - Cover
Da glotzt mich so ein blödes Auge durch ein Pentagramm an, da steht auf der Rückseite der Hülle: „One of the most brutal and violent Black Metal release ever“, die Band hört auf einen däml
Mörk Gryning - Cover
MÖRK GRYNING streichen also die Segel und sagen Tschüß (wie auch immer das auf schwedisch heißt).
Pieces Of Primal Expressionism - Cover
Ob hier die Schublade namens Black Metal ausreicht, sei mal dahingestellt.