Die Zeit ist in Pennsylvania immer noch stehen geblieben – erfrischend moderner Epic Metal der Marke „Kauz“ bleibt das Leisten der Schuster von SLOUGH FEG.
Biografie'The Lord Weird Slough Feg', whose name is derived from a character in ancient Irish mythology, originates from Central Pennsylvania. (The Lord Weird) Slough Feg
The band relocated to San Francisco, California in 1990 in hopes of resurrecting the ailing 'true metal' scene in the United States.
The band quickly gained a reputation as, 'The band San Francisco loved to hate' by taking a stand against
the trends and incorporating stage savagery with strong visual imagery.
Three demos were produced by the band in the early to mid nineties.
These were followed up by a self produced, self titled debut CD released in 1996.
Scoring points for originality in the European underground,
they aroused the interest of Dragonheart in 1998 and
'Twilight of the Idols' was released in 1999 on Dragonheart Records.
This was followed by, 'Down Among the Deadmen' released in the year 2000, and 'Traveller' in 2003.
The band moved to underground Italian label, Cruz Del Sur in 2005 and shortened their name to simply, 'Slough Feg' with the release of 'Atavism.'
2007 Brought the dawn of 'HARDWORLDER' and a slight change of direction to a '70's NWOBHM sound. ...and now...the sound of anarchy in the streets will be defined by APE UPRISING!!!
Slough-Feg's style is an eclectic mix of Celtic Folk and Traditional Metal peppered with buckets of energy and lyrical depth.Quelle: http://www.sloughfeg.com/Discografie1990 - Demo
1991 - Demo
1992 - Demo
1993 - Demo
1994 - Highlander (Demo)
1996 - The Lord Weird Slough Feg
1997 - Unreleased (Single)
1999 - Twilight Of The Idols
2000 - Down Among The Deadmen
2001 - Solstice/The Lord Weird Slough Feg (Split)
2003 - Traveller
2005 - Hail Brittania Volume One-NWOBHM Tribute (Split)
2005 - Atavism
2006 - Poisoned Treasures/Galactic Violator (Split)
2007 - Hardworlder
2009 - The Slay Stack Grows-Early Demos And Live Recordings (Best Of/Compilation)
2009 - Ape Uprising
2010 - The Animal Spirits
2011 - Made In Poland (Live)
2013 - The Lord Weird Slough Feg (Box-Set)
2013 - Laser Enforcer (Single)
2014 - Digital Resistance
Dienstag 05.04.2011
If it is talked about "True Metal" there are mentioned several bands from the US-American scene that bears strong formations since the beginning of the 80´s.
Dienstag 05.04.2011
Wenn man vom viel zitierten "ehrlichen Metal" spricht, fallen einige Namen aus der US-amerikanischen Szene, die seit Anfang der 80er bis heute starke Bands hervorbringt, die sich einen Dreck um Verkaufszahlen und Allgemeintauglichkeit scheren.
SLOUGH FEG haben jetzt endgültig ihren Namen gekürzt - doch geändert hat sich bei Amis nix.
Allerspätestens mit ihren letzten beiden erstklassigen Werken „Ape Uprising!“ und „The Animal Spirits“ sind die einst aus Pennsylvania stammenden und später nach San Franciso u
Endlich mal ein Label-Info, das nicht nur pure Phrasendrescherei ist, sondern tatsächlich etwas Wahrheit in sich birgt - von "Pure HEAVY METAL" ist da die Rede, von "young sonic warriors who swore fai
OMEN, MANILLA ROAD, CIRITH UNGOL, BROCAS HELM,… wer mit diesen Namen oder deren Musik rein gar nix anfangen kann, kann dieses Review gleich überspringen, denn die Epic-Metaller SLOUGH FEG aus Pennsylv