

BiografieIt is a troubled tale that has been told many times before… Anno 1997: during a night of alcoholic carnage in Finland Teemu "Somnium" Raimoranta (guitar) and Jan "Katla" Jämsen (vocals) conceived of a band that fused the darkness and grandeur of black metal with the traditional Finnish hoedown-music. The resultant sound was FINNTROLL. The namesake came from an old Finnish legend where Swedish priests coming to Finland had an encounter with a wild-looking man who killed most of their party. The survivors came back bearing the tale of the FINNTROLL.

Anno 1998: A year later Skrymer, Tundra, Trollhorn and the mighty Beast Dominator joined the band that soon became the biggest name in the rising Folk/Pagan Metal scene – even if they never aimed for sitting at the head of that table. FINNTROLL was soon to overcome the sort of obstacles that would have left most bands defeated and bleeding. Founding member Katla had to leave the band after the release of the second album "Jaktens Tid" (2001) because of severe throat problems. Shortly after, the other founding member Somnium died after tragically falling from a bridge. His legacy was continued by Routa, while Katla was replaced by Wilska who already left in 2006. Ultimately, it was with the final comrade in arms to join Vreth, on vocals, with whom the band reached their biggest successes including a legendary co-headline show at Wacken Open Air 2006 – well documented on the last album's "Ur Jordens Djup" bonus DVD. Quelle: - Rivfader (Demo)

1999 - Midnattens Widunder

2001 - Jaktens Tid

2003 - Visor Om Slutet (EP)

2004 - Nattfödd

2004 - Trollhammaren (EP)

2007 - Ur Jordens Djup

2010 - Nifelvind

2013 - Blodsvept (EP)

2013 - Blodsvept


Donnerstag 07.07.2016
Wie eigentlich jedes Jahr waren wir auf dem diesjährigen ROCKHARZ Festival in Ballenstedt, im Harz. Dort trafen wir nicht nur Einhörner, sondern konnten uns auch einer ganzen Menge metallischer Musik widmen – überschneidungsfreie Running Order macht es möglich.


Blodsvept - Cover
Als die Finnen mit dem Troll um die Jahrtausendwende mit starken Alben wie „Midnattens Widunder“ oder „Jaktens Tid“ durchstarteten, waren Fans und Presse hellauf begeistert, un
Jaktens Tid - Cover
Wir befinden uns im Jahre 2001 n. Chr. Ganz Skandinavien ist von den Norwegern und Schweden besetzt. Ganz Skandinavien? Nein!
Midnattens Widunder - Cover
Grün. 2 Augen, große Hände und ein unsymetrisches wurzelmäßiges Bandlogo ergeben das Cover der neuen FINNTROLL- CD midnattens widunder.
Nattfödd - Cover
Sogar in Finnland scheint es Momente zu geben in denen Musiker erwachsener werden.
