
Black Lung


In the deadly cold winter of 2014, Black Lung emerges from the underbelly of the Baltimore music scene, to shock you back to life with unprecedented volume. A union of Adam Bufano and Elias Mays Schutzman (from The Flying Eyes) with multi-instrumental powerhouse Dave Cavalier, these three friends toe the line between sonic pain and psychedelic bliss. With influences ranging from the raw blues-rock of early Black Keys to the stoned out riffage of Sleep, Black Lung seeks to create a sound that is as heavy as it is soulful. Their self-titled EP drops June 3rd on Grimoire Records (US) and June 6th on Noisolution (EU).


Black Lung (2014)



Black Lung
Sonntag 01.05.2016
Schon mit dem neuen und zweiten Album hat sich das Trio BLACK LUNG im Grenzbereich zwischen Stoner, Psychedelic und Noise-Rock fest etabliert. Bevor es erneut auf Europa-Tournee geht, hat Drummer Elias Schutzman unsere Fragen zu "See The Enemy" beantwortet.


Band Termin Land / Ort / Location
20 Years of Noisolution
Cogan's Bluff, Black Lung, Hodja
2015-04-11 D - Berlin - Tiefgrund