

BiografieWhere most black metal revels in stories of fictional deities, benign and malignant, Spyhorelandet, Formloffs second album - wallows in everyday themes. Much like the cover art, the music contained within bears forth the naked truth. When you peel back the skin, no matter how beautiful, what is left is the ugly personal histories each of us carries. Throughout Spyhorelandet, naked inhabitants of our world are quoted directly. For many of whom, defeat is their best and sometimes only asset. Quelle: - Overstyring (Demo)

2003 - Album (Demo)

2004 - Velte Budeia (Demo)

2005 - 5 Ark Og En Paprikasjakt (Demo)

2006 - Adjø Silo

2012 - Spyhorelandet


Spyhorelandet  - Cover
Mit Black Metal aus Norwegen ist es wie mit Bier aus Deutschland, Uhren aus der Schweiz oder Koks aus Kolumbien: man erwartet stets das Nonplusultra, also die Hausmarke.