
Cannibal Accident

BiografieCannibal Accident was founded to bring you oldschool grindcore with quality mosh parts.

In the beginning of the year 2007 Lenets and Kolkka were boozing at their hometown and they ended up in a local rock club.

There were several bands playing and the name of the game was grindcore. Yeah, the bands played well but something was missing. Where the hell were delicious mosh parts that Napalm Death and S.O.D. used to have? To tell you the truth, if your mosh parts are good then your songs will be memorable.

In the end of 2011, Nailjar Records from the USA signs Cannibal Accident for a debut full length which was released in July 2012. Lunch time never ends.

Line-up degeneration:

2007 - Lenets starts to murder drum skins as Kolkka mutilates guitar

2008 - Vesa B.D. Salonen joins C.A. as bass (player)

2010 - Heikki Raisio joins C.A. to kick ass to mouth

2011 - Kurwa Doktor "Polish gift to genital science" joins C.A. for oral duties

2012 - Salonen is replaced by LindénQuelle: - Cannibal Accident

2009 - Live In TVO (DVD)

2010 - Brutalent (EP)

2010 - Live@S-Osis (DVD)

2012 - Omnivorous

2013 - Lennu (EP)

2014 - Cannibal Accident And The Friends Of Flesh (EP)


Lennu - Cover
Grindcore ist in Finnland sicher nicht die Stilrichtung, die die meisten Veröffentlichungen hervorbringt; hätte ich raten müssen, hätte ich CANNIBAL ACCIDENT in die USA eingeordnet.