
Sky Of Rage

by Gast
BiografieSky of Rage is the idea of Astral Doors Guitar Player Joachim Nordllund. Support by former members of his main band, Joachim brings a new interpretation of classic Hard Rock. Solid Music for solid fans. It`s handmade……..

The beginning....
In the autumn of 2009 the two old friends Tomas Friberg and Joachim Nordlund were listening to old heavy metal. They decided to write some songs together. A couple of hours (and beers) later the first song had seen it's light.
The singer....
After a couple of month a few songs were written and the duo needed a singer for the project. They both wanted a singer that could both growl and sing with a more clean voice becauce they thougt the songs needed that kind of approach. His name is Staffan Carlsson. Staffan got a bunch of songs and started to work with the vocallines and lyrics right away. It took a while for Staffan to feel comfortable with this kind of heavy metal, but when he had nailed two or three songs they all three knew that they had find a unique sound.
The band....
The songwriting proceeded under 2010. Janne Cederlund (ex. Thalamus), an ambitious guitarplayer was the next name that came up, and a handshake later they had thier new axman. To find a bassplayer seemed to be a bit harder. Until one night in the spring of 2011 when Joachim was out he met Mika Itäranta. Mika had left Astral Doors two years ago but now he'd got the spirit of rock'n roll back again. The band was complete....
The first Record....
Everything was recorded in Joachims Big Turn Studio in the beginning of 2012. They started to search for someone to mix the songs. The job went to Martin Haglund, the former guitarrist of Astral Doors, a great friend and studiotech. He did a great job and the eleven songs that the guys had picked out for the cd sounded awsome. The releasedate for Sky of Rage debut album is set to autumn 2012.Quelle: - SOR www


SOR - Cover
SKY OF RAGE sind so ein Band-Phänomen: 2009 rotteten sich die ersten Musiker der Band zusammen und entlockten ihren Verstärkern einige Töne, in der Zwischenzeit sucht sie sich mühevoll Mitmusiker und