
X-State Ride

BiografieWe had enough of long, boring Bios!! Here's the deal shortly: X-State Ride started out in 2001 when Ruspa and Nikkio, coming from a previous punk-rock band decided to go on with another project. The band released in 2003 their first EP "Morning Glory" wich was awesomely reviewed by italian webzines and fanzines, the next year they recorded their first full lenght "The Great Rebirth" wich won the "Blue Arrow prize" as best young band of 2004. After a long period of gigs and touring, in 2006 Drummer Giuliano and Bassplayer Maino leave the band so it was up to Ruspa and Nikkio to rebuild the line-up. So in 2007 X-State Ride are: Ruspa (guit), Nikkio (voice,guit), Tommy (drums) and Difu (bass). With this line-up they record their best album to date "Against Me" wich brings the guys on the road again ending up with the recent European Tour 2008 bringing them in Germany, Belgium and UK. In the years the band played with acts like Raw Power, Mad Caddies, Belvedere, Beerbong (first line-up with Simone too), Jet Market, High Five Drive, Short On Time, Vanilla Sky, Question Marks and a lot more..Quelle: www


Against Me - Cover
X-STATE RIDE bieten auf ihrem Zweitwerk „Against Me“ eine halbe Stunde fröhlichen Hardcore mit Metaleinflüssen (die besonders in der Gitarrenarbeit zu Tage kommen), der gut ins Ohr geht un