Die Finnen scheren sich um nix, weder um Trends noch um Veröffentlichungspolitik.
by Meisenkaiser
BiografieBEHEXEN was born under a black banner in 1994 when Torog (vocals), Horns (drums) and Reaper (guitars) joined forces. Black Metal has been the keyword since inception. The first demo "Reality Is In Evil..." briefly saw the moonlight in ’95; the second demo "Eternal Realm" surfaced in ’97; and the third demo "Blessed Be The Darkness" followed in ‘98. At this point, Reaper left the band and BEHEXEN recruited Gargantum on guitar and Lunatic on bass in order to perform live rituals. "Blessed Be The Darkness" brought forth an ill-fated deal from Sinister Figure and the debut album "Rituale Satanum" was recorded in the summer of 1999. Due to countless problems, the band drifted away from this rip-off label and waited three years for that deal to expire. During this period, Veilroth joined as second guitarist.
In May 2003, BEHEXEN signed with Finnish label Woodcut Records and recorded their second full-length album "By The Blessing Of Satan" which was unleashed the following year.
In 2008, fresh from the Tour Of The Blackmoon with ARCHGOAT and HELL MILITIA, the band unleashed its third album, “My Soul For His Glory” on Hammer Of Hate.
BEHEXEN has now inked a deal in blood with Debemur Morti Productions to deliver the fourth full-length, the two parties having conspired previously on a reissue of the BEHEXEN / HORNA split.
BEHEXEN, with original members Torog and Horns, is and always will be Black Metal in its blackest and rawest form.Quelle: http://www.debemur-morti.com/Discografie1995 - Reality Is In Evil... (Demo)
1997 - Eternal Realm (Demo)
1998 - Blessed Be The Darkness (Demo)
2000 - Rituale Satanum
2004 - By The Blessing Of Satan
2004 - Horna/Behexen (Split)
2008 - From The Devil´s Chalice (EP)
2008 - Behexen/Satanic Warmaster (Split)
2008 - My Soul For His Glory
2012 - Nightside Emanations
Seit über 15 Jahren Bestandteil des finnischen Deibel-Untergrunds, reihen sich BEHEXEN nicht nur musikalisch in die mal strittige, mal geniale, aber immer kompromisslose Riege der Landsleute BEHERIT,
Mit „Rituale Satanum“ veröffentlichen die finnischen Satansbraten kein neues Album nach ihrem letzten, soliden 2012er Werk „Nightside Emanations“, sondern ihr Label Debemur Mor