Vier knackig-kurze Songs haben THE FIRST STEP auf ihre neueste EP gepackt, was die Spielzeit zwar gerade mal auf knappe sieben Minuten bringt, diese aber so intensiv und mitreißend sind, dass das kaum
BiografieThe First Step started in early 2001 with two simple goals in mind: to invigorate their local North Carolina scene and to write fast, thrashy hardcore that was lyrically honest and open. While the last 4 years have taken them all over the North America and Europe the goals still remain the same. During this time The First Step has released two EP’s: a S/T 7inch and the Open Hearts and Clear Minds 7 inch and an LP entitled What We Know on Rivalry Records. As time goes by TFS has only become stronger and more focused on their ideals as a band and the music they love playing.Quelle: Connection EP The First Step
2006 What We Know
2002 Open Hearts And Clear Minds www