
Spoiler NYC

Biografie What is the state of punk rock in 2007? Somewhere along the line, its angry, moralistic spirit left the scene for hardcore and metal, and melodic punk rock was suddenly nice. And funny. And safe. And dull. Overall, the current state of punk rock is shit.

SPOILER NYC sets out to change all that. The New York trio offers a darker slice of punk rock. A trip back in time to what made punk rock dangerous in the first place. To a time where a punk rocker was more likely found causing a fight in a bar or traveling along the back roads in a ´66 Rat Rod instead of hanging out in the food court of the mall.

Founded in 2006, SPOILER NYC was inspired by the loss of a dear friend to lead vocalist, Alan Robert. While on tour with his other band, Life of Agony, Robert found himself writing music which didn´t quite fit with what he was currently doing. There was an angrier, more aggressive streak to these new songs which were coming out of him. They weren´t metal or hard rock, they were punk.

Turning to longtime friend, "Junkyard" Chris Silletti, Robert found someone who also held a lifelong passion for this type of music. Someone who considered himself a punk and was proud to say it. While out on the road, the two would spend hours listening to bands like Social Distortion, Rancid, and The Misfits among others. Music which inspired the two to stop just talking about starting up a project, and finally making it happen. Quelle: Grease Fire


Grease Fire In Hell’s Kitchen - Cover
LIFE OF AGONY-Bassist Alan Robert frönt mit seinem Nebenprojekt SPOILER NYC seiner Vorliebe für rotzigen Streetpunkt Marke SOCIAL DISTORTION - kitschige Flammen, Würfel und 50er-Jahre Autos im Booklet