Angefixt von einem mp3 auf der Burning Season-Homepage habe ich ungeduldig auf das neue CONFRONTO-Album gewartet, dass dem ersten Eindruck nach ein echter Hardcore-Knaller zu werden versprach.
BiografieWe see hardcore as a vehicle for information, a platform for expression, an attempt to reach kids and, through our songs, get them exposed to messages of consciousness, indignation and revolt. Every attempt to direct people towards the struggle against oppression is important, be it through independent media, movies, drama, workshops, demonstrations, etc. We are totally aware of the fact that hardcore and straightedge are not going to change the word, but they can awaken different feelings in kids that relate to them. Love, hate, indignation or revolt are feelings that can drive the struggle against the real enemies. Through hardcore we try to show that from the moment we are born in a third world country, thus not part of the elites, we are all condemned to the mercyless cycle of slavery, exclusion and death. Therefore, we cannot see ourselves simply as anarquists, communists, or people involved with hardcore, straightedge or punk rock. We are way beyond mere labels. We are part of exploited mass. We are productive force constantly fighting against property and capital, which makes confrontation inevitable.Confronto
Quelle: Causa Mortis www