
The Sacred Sailors

BiografieThe Sacred Sailors was formed back in 2001 when two friends and music enthusiasts decided to start a band. Together with two other friends from the neighborhood, the foursome started to rehearse in a basement near Partille, outside Gothenburg, Sweden. As a quartet soon turning into a quintet, the band released both a 7” vinyl (You my friend) and a full length debut cd/vinyl (We gave it all to you) back in 2004. Since then The Sacred Sailors have toured around europe several times. Another full length was released in 2006 (Golden Dawn). In 2008 a new friend joined on Bass and they recorded (Tune in turn on) which will be out in October 11th on Bad Reputation.Quelle: Tune In Turn On

2006 Golden Dawn

2004 We Gave It All To You

2204 You My Friend, 7" www


Tune In Turn On - Cover
THE SACRED SAILORS bedienen mit ihrem bereits dritten Album die MANDO DIAO/ THE HIVES/ JET-Zielgruppe, also junge Studenten mit zu engen Jeans, quasi-intellektuellem Anspruch und wenig Bartwuchs.