Lord Inferos und Kollege Flagellum machen Pagan Black Metal. Nicht weiter verwunderlich, gibt’s ja öfter mal.
Biografie2Legion of Darkness was born in november 2001 from Flagellum and Lord Inferos.Legion Of Darkness
(Underdog)In may 2002 the duet records its first demo " Hymns to Blasphemy ", distribuited in a few copies and almost only in Palermo city. The tracks included in the demo, remind a sound and an attitude tipically of the ninetees.
The songs composed by Legion of Darkness, after the completion of the first demo, signs a radical change of style; the new songs are turned to a Pagan Black Metal influenced by groups like Behemoth of the first period and Graveland; the lyrics show a deeper meditation about the roots of our own being, that often unifies to more contemplative moments bound up with manifestations of Natural power and its effects on human disposition.
These suggestions are made concrete in the omounimous demo of april 2003 ( Legion of Darkness “Legion of Darkness” )
that is hailed with great enthusiasm by the national underground scene.
We are interested in entering in contact with the labels manifesting the intentions of producing us, but also in partecipating in compilations and recording underground initiatives to diffuse more our music among all that in it recognize their own attitude.
Legion of Darkness “Cantus”
Suddenly after the realization of the second demo, we have started to work on the songs that now compose the promo 2004, that is presented here, titled "Cantus"; considered the sound homogeneity and the lenght, this cd could be judged as a full-lenght album.
The composition ´s phase of the new songs has tied the band for almost an year. every song has received an attention and an almost maniacal care, because, in our opinion, if you want to explain yourself better, you need to take care to succeed in "trapping" your essence in the succession of the notes, and sure it is not a simple work.
The sound evolution has brought new elements in our music; now are frequent the acoustic parts, passages touched by epic and visionarie wind, the use of dreamy and, at the same time, sharp melodies. Besides we wanted to insert various part of clean vocals and the sound of a violin, and sometimes appears also a keyboard to underline some moments.
In our point of view, the lyrics are perfectly adapted to what is musically proposed; nearby the numerous pagan - oneiric digressions with almost estatic slants ( in the first four tracks ), came up beside more individual temathics, tied to spirit´s pain and to death ( the fifth track ), but , this time, all is conceived through a bigger awareness of the vibrations that can be tasted with the right elevation. We could say that, in this work , we have tried to analyze and to conjugate the man´s desire of trascendence, in solar and pagan sense, with more earthly and moon feelings that are inevitably placed in front of our path.
We hope you´ll enjoy the result.
Actually we are searching for a deal.
- Guests in "Cantus"-
Claudio Diprima, Giuseppe Bondi (from the epic metal band Thy Majesty), Sergio Zanforlin, Mariella Mannino.
Quelle: http://www.legionofdark.cjb.net/DiscografieLegion of Darkness - "Cantus" Promo - 2004
Legion of Darkness - "Legion of Darkness" Demo - 2003
Legion of Darkness - "Hymns to Blasphemy" Demo - 2002Underdog
KontaktGuiseppe Aguanno
Tel: -
Tel: -
AnschriftVia N. Paganini 7
90145 Palermo
Pagan Black aus Sizilien. www
90145 Palermo