Ihrem schon recht beachtlichen selbstbetitelten 2004er Album lassen PURE INC. mit "A New Day’s Dawn” eine konsequente Weiterentwicklung folgen.
BiografiePURE INC. is a four piece band situated in Basel/Switzerland, the border city between Germany and Switzerland, consisting of members from both countries. When this Hardrock/Heavy Metal act first started as a school band, they called themselves Pure Yeast which was recently changed into PURE INC. PURE stands for the 4 band members and INC. for the personal friendship of the musicians: Gianni Pontillio (vocals), Sandro Pellegrini (guitars), "Genti” Gentner (bass) and Dave Preissel (drums). Pure Inc.
After certain years of experimenting, the band found it’s sound - sometimes rough, sometimes sad, always melodic, intelligent and rocking with awesome power, it’s the perfect mixture and combination - especially live on stage. This has been proven in numerous shows, e.g. with GOTTHARD or in the future as support band for M.S.G. (Michael Schenker Group)
The roots of the band go all the way back to 1994 when they began under the name Pure Yeast to build a reputation with live gigs and two demo CDs ("Young Hearts on Fire" and "Beyond the Light"), before the self-produced CD "Genius" (2001) brought the band first national success in Switzerland - with the title track becoming a radio hit.
The consistently euphoric reactions at their concerts confirm: PURE INC. is a force to be reckoned with in rock.
The self-titled new CD, PURE INC., completed in mid-July 2003 and produced by Tommy Vetterli (ex-Coroner), demonstrates another major advance in the band´s craft, blending mainstream rock with modern ferocity. The mastering has been done in Finland by mastering engineer Mika Jussila (a.o. Edguy, Avantasia, Stratovarius, Nightwish, ...)
In May 2004 the band inked a record deal with AFM Records as the first newcomer act of the label in the last two years - now catch them on the rise!
Quelle: http://www.afm-records.deDiscografie2001 Genius
2004 Pure Inc.
2006 A New Day´s Dawn
2008 Parasites And Worms
2010 IV
Montag 20.03.2006
<b> Die Schweizer Band PURE INC. will mit ihrem zweiten Album "A New Day’s Dawn" weiter Boden gut machen - und die Chancen dazu stehen gar nicht schlecht (siehe auch Review). Schlagzeuger Dave Preissel ließ Fragen von metal-inside.de nicht unbeantwortet. </b> <p>
Die Entwicklung der Alternative Combo PURE INC. gen härterem Sound setzt sich auch mit dem vierten Album der Schweizer fort (sinnigerweise „IV“ betitelt).
Melodischer Hardrock der Endachtziger (mit einer gehörigen Schlagseite Heavyriffs) trifft Sänger mit ganz großer Alternative-Attitüde.