"Sex, Dope And 666" - nach HATESPHERE mit "Blood, Beers & Satan" bringt endlich mal eine weitere Band das Wichtige auf den Punkt. Ich mein’, was will man mehr? Als Bösmetaller, versteht sich hehe.
BiografieThe band was founded by Emiliano El Chivo in summer 1995 under the monicker NECROBARATRUM changed later in OBSCURA LUX 666 until his division in 1998 in the summer of same year El Chivo with some ex members of O.L.666 give birth to the project TIPHERET, Black, Death, Thrash Metal influenced and inspired by Thelemic Filosophy, Sadomasochism and Doped Misticism.Tipheret
(Underdog)From 1998 to today TIPHERET record 3 official demo and some promo CD and promoteThis works Playing live with band as IMPALED NAZARENE, MORTUARY DRAPE, MATER TENEBRA, M.P.S., HATEWORKS, TRUE ENDLESS ETC.Quelle: http://tipheret.altervista.org/Underdog
KontaktEmiliano El Chivo
Death/ Black www