

BiografieEnoch is not a metal band by any stretch of the imagination. Enoch has more in common with performers such as Fabio Frizzi, Ennio Morricone, John Carpenter, Jerry Goldsmith or Goblin. Open to the gates of Misery as Mirai (SIGH/NECROPHAGIA) and Killjoy (NECROPHAGIA) take you through their horror-vision, controled by paranomal eyes. Killer digipak edition with packaging to DIE for....Quelle: http://www.sureshotworx.deDiscografie2004 Graveyard Disturbances


Graveyard Disturbances - Cover
Wie die Metal-Gemeinde inzwischen wissen wird, ist Killjoy Mega-Film-Fan. Da ist schön und da kann keiner was dafür.
Graveyard Disturbances (Plus-Minus) - Cover
Mal ganz was anderes liefern ENOCH auf ihrem Debut ab.