Irgendwie hatte ich TOTAL DEVASTATION als Zweitband von ROTTEN SOUND-Member G abgespeichert, was sich als Irrtum erwies.
BiografieFounded in the summer of 1998 by Jaakko Heinonen and Lauri Pikka. The original idea was to play all machines extreme music. Two summers later the line-up also included Harri Pikka with the guitar, and the chaos that the band delivered had already started to gear more towards the metallic sound reality. Around the same time Ville Heiskanen joined the band and later took all the responsibility for the lyrics. The fourth demo, "Divine-Ecstasy" (2001) was praised so much that the band received invitation to play in prestigious Down By The Laituri festival. For the live line-up three new members were invited: Jarmo Pikka, Saku and Pasi Hakuli. Yes, there is more than enough of brothers in this band. The fifth demo, "Left Hand Of The Devil" (2002) received the same, if even bigger, praise and in the end of year 2002 the band signed contract with Finnish Firebox Records.Quelle: - Roadmap Of Pain Total Devastation
2005 - Reclusion
Mittwoch 24.09.2003
Finnen. Fast alle mit coolem Vollbart. Zwei davon, Ville und Harri, haben unsere Fragen beantwortet. Im Staatsdienst an der Uni sollte Ville eigentlich seinem Job nachgehen, zieht aber dann doch die Promotion ihres fetten neuen Albums vor.
So eine richtiger Finne braucht auch einen richtigen Vollbart. Sonst isser ja total uncool. Und TOTAL DEVASTATION haben einen Vollbart. Fast alle jedenfalls.