Oberidealist Bruno Dolheguy und seine KILLERS sind einfach nicht umzubringen. Trotzig stellen sie sich allen Widrigkeiten des Lebens im Allgemeinen und des Musicbiz im Speziellen.
BiografieTHE EARLY YEARS From 1984 up to 1998Killers
Bruno DOLHEGUY is the only "survivor" of KILLERS Mark 1... He used to play rhythm guitar in the early years (1984) when KILLERS was a five guys´ band from Bayonne ( famous city of the Basque country in the southern part of France, on the Atlantic coast, by the spanish border). Bruno began to sing later....KILLERS recorded two Lps with the early line-up :"FILS DE LA HAINE" (1985), "DANGER DE VIE" (1986)...Both of them were on a major-label, but two years later the all band stopped music business and Bruno DOLHEGUY decided to continue on his way with new pals. As he officially owned the name " KILLERS", two albums more were recorded with that a new crew :"MISE AUX POINGS" (1987) & "RESISTANCES" (1989). When the new lead singer decided to stop musical activities Bruno took his part and during year 1991 KILLERS became a 4 members group definitively. KILLERS recorded 3 studio-albums : "CITÉS INTERDITES"(1992) , "CONTRE-COURANT"(1995), "FORT INTÉRIEUR"(1998) ) and a live album "ENNEMIS EN PUBLIC"(1996). After the release of " FORT INTÉRIEUR ", Bruno DOLHEGUY decided that it was time to change the line-up again, thinking a transfusion of fresh blood was necessary with the intention of keeping intact the passion of the group ... The band has gone through many line up changes Sometimes fans can´t help thinking that KILLERS is a beast which devours its children/musicians...
May be that´s the reason why the monster is still alive and well !
KILLERS From 1999 up to 2000 More powerful than ever
Bruno DOLHEGUY ( vocals, guitar)
Patrick OLIVER (bass guitar)
Nicko ANDRIEU(drums)
Thierry ANDRIEU (lead guitar).
KILLERS recorded its ninth album " 109 " in 1999, then it has just released its latest french sung album just before the new millenium. This album´s called " MAUVAISES GRAINES " (Bad seeds) and things seems to be O.K for the future ´cause reviews about it are excellent all around the world ! After those three years with this line-up, Bruno DOLHEGUY is pretty sure that the current musicians can carry on together for a long time... Sensations are really great and the music of the group is more powerful than ever, KILLERS has an official website
( http://killers.fr.fm ) and the band still got the more enthusiastic fans in the world !
KILLERS´ LABEL A metalic behaviour
The crew of BRENNUS lets Bruno DOLHEGUY having a complete control about his business and music and may be that´s the most important to him... It´s not so sure that KILLERS could have freedom enough in the midst of major metal labels nowadays.
WACKEN 1999 First international performance
In 1999 KILLERS was in Wacken and it was a great experience to remember for the group... It´s pretty sure that the english sung album ("KILLING GAMES") is gonna help KILLERS to make up the wasted time . Concerning with the use of the english language KILLERS has understood the right way of thinking... International Metal addicts do prefer an english singing group ´cause they get the opportunity to understand lyrics. KILLERS do appreciate that its music can be heard outside France. It´s certainly not a commercial behaviour only ´cause Bruno and his gang planned this album for years and it´s a great artistic satisfaction having achieved one of their wildest dreams at last!
"KILLING GAMES" ( first English sung album)
A step forward to the international recognition
For many years KILLERS has done albums in French only but during spring 2001 the band released its first English sung record : " KILLING GAMES " Bruno DOLHEGUY who didn´t feel able to write perfect english lyrics took on a lyricist ( Xavier LORENTE, sleeve-designer of original artworks of "MAUVAISES GRAINES" and "KILLING GAMES") to turn this project real. Bruno DOLHEGUY didn´t want a perfect translation of the original french lyrics which were very personal, futhermore he thought it was much more interesting working on songs looking for a brand new direction.French language and english one don´t have the same delivery ( you must use more than 10 words in french instead of 5 in english to expess the same thing ! ) so they have adapted some melodies, tracks have different meanings and the result is much better anyway. ...all the more since XAVIER LORENTE has kept the original spirit and a certain
..."Killers´ touch"! KILLERS also has changed the cover art-work. It did it so to avoid the confusion between the two latest albums. Of course musics are basically the same but lyrics aren´t and most of arrangements are slightly different, "KILLING GAMES" ain´t a "MAUVAISES GRAINES" xerox... consequently the english sung album had to be dressed with a totaly brand new sleeve. Bruno DOLHEGUY knows that KILLERS´ addicts are collecting all the stuff from the band too so the group must give fans a variant cover. Moreover most of them do prefer the english sung album one ! They think it´s more attractive... XAVIER LORENTE didn´t want to draw in a medieval or scandinavian way as most of metal album sleeves are used to be. KILLERS is a french group . It isn´t so proud to be french, but it´s a fact and Bruno DOLHEGUY thought it was important displaying its national identity on the sleeve, that´s the reason why you can see napoleonian guys on it ! As for the dead frog on the table you have to imagine the meaning of the scene by yourself...KILLERS wants to be an "interactive" band. One year ago KILLERS was a french group only...since the release of "KILLING GAMES" KILLERS has become an international band ! Musically french metal scene is growing better and better year after year. Many bands are producing a really good music and got a cool attitude and KILLERS still got a strong reputation. Europe is going to be more and more important for KILLERS in the future. Things are getting bigger for Bruno and his gang, so KILLERS´ future albums will be recorded in both languages.
" MISE AUX POINGS 2001 " Concerts, albums and multimedia
After the releases of albums " MAUVAISES GRAINES " and " KILLING GAMES ", KILLERS is on the road again. Between two shows, Bruno DOLHEGUY spends his spare time to finalize an old project : He wants to update the third album of the discography of the group, "MISE AUX POINGS". Considering that he is henceforth the "voice" of the group and considering that the songs of this disc deserve a new youth, Bruno re-records the vocal parts of this album of 1987 and christens it : " MISE AUX POINGS 2001 ". Always worried of not misleading his fans, he asks Xavier LORENTE to design a brand new packaging and decides to include a dozen minutes video as bonus track too. This file is screenplayed by Olivier NELLI and it shows KILLERS both backstage and in concert.
FOR EVER... The tragedy strikes KILLERS
In order to make KILLERS closest to all those fans whose support it since its debuts, an official website and a mailing-list are created in May 2001.
The feeling of the last years is amazing and the future of the group seemed to be bright. But shortly before the release of " MISE AUX POINGS 2001 ", and while Bruno DOLHEGUY is proud to proclaim that crew certainly the best one of all his career, Nicko ANDRIEU, the drummer of the group, kills himself in a motorcycle crash during month of June. The death of Nicko puts KILLERS and his fans into an awfull confusion, but by Thierry ANDRIEU´s agreement, the band decides to go on, considering that a such attitude would have been the wish of their friendly comrade. Three years ago, Nicko had been victim of a road accident and he was replaced by Florent POUEY, road drummer of the group, during a gig in Britany.
Florent had shared several adventures with the band (mostly the trip to WACKEN)... But Florent is part of another group: SPASM, and KILLERS doesn´t want to make this friendly band split. So, KILLERS members suggest Florent to play both in the two groups. Nevertheless in January, 2002, Florent definitively leaves SPASM in order to become the new KILLERS´ drummer. Last six months of year 2001, KILLERS is touring intensively in France and Bruno Dolheguy gives a lot of interviews in which he never forgets to honor the memory of Nicko. " MISE AUX POINGS 2001 " goes out on October 13 and, of course, it´s dedicated to NIcko. A track wich didn´t appear on the former pressing is added at the very last moment: "POUR TOUJOURS" ("FOR EVER") is more particularly intended for him. At the end of the year, " KILLING GAMES " goes out in Russia and on the baltic states market. The booklet of this exotic pressing is very slightly reshaped (addition of new photos) but these little details, as well some cyrilic fonts, make this disc an ultimate "collector item" for most of the unconditional fans of the group.
" HABEMUS METAL " The wolves entered PARIS
Since the death of his former drummer, KILLERS plays a lot of concerts, trying to forget its deep sadness... From the the end of 2001 up to autumn 2002, the group is on stage everywhere in France and plays its very first gig in the city of PARIS at the "Club DUNOIS". That concert is depicted as a major event by french music magazines and a film clip of the performance is included in a " ROCK HARD magazine " sampler. Despite its scenic activities, KILLERS runs into studio at the eve of summer 2002 to plan what will become its thirteenth album. " HABEMUS METAL " is available on the music stores shelves on November 15 of the same year...
Quelle: http://www.killers.fr.fm/DiscografieFils De La Haine 1985
Danger De Vie 1986
Mise Aux Poings 1987
Resistances 1989
Cités Interdites 1992
Contre Courant 1995
Enemies Publiques Live 1996
Fort Interieur 1998
109 - 1999 <->
Mauvaises Graines 2000
Killing Games 2001
Mise Aux Poings New 2001
Habemus Metal 2002
Mittwoch 22.07.2009
Die Franzosen kommen: Die Basken KILLERS gastieren am Sonnabend auf dem ausverkauften Headbangers Open Air. Vor einem der seltenen Gastsspiele der Südwestfranzmänner erwischte METAL INSIDE das Szene-Urgestein Bruno noch zum Interview. Auf eine Übersetzung verzichten wir diesmal, damit das Interview noch rechtzeitig vor dem Fest online geht.
Bruno Dolheguy gibt nicht auf. Es stört ihn nicht, dass er immer wieder Rückschläge in Form von Umbesetzungen hinnehmen musste.
Das nenne ich mal wirklich Speed Metal: Keine 10 Monate nachdem KILLERS ihre letzte Scheibe „10:10“ unters hungrige Volk gebracht haben, steht mit „Imido“ auch schon der nicht