
2006-07-12 Cattle Decapitation

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The most vegetarian "cowboys” are back with a new musical massacre called "Karma.Bloody.Karma”. With several brutal as well as heavily discussed records in their background, CATTLE DECAPITATION again punch towards censorship and the slaughter of holy cows. That leaves us with a few questions to vocalist Travis Ryan… InterviewOn the cover - artwork of your new album "Karma.Bloody.Karma” there can be seen a cow with the body of the Hindu goddess Kali that holds several knives in it´s hands. What does that mean?

It has no deep religious significance. Not to us at least. Others can make what they want of it. This cover uses humans fear against themselves. At least that may be why there is a religious tag to it. We put the cow head on there because we´re CATTLE DECAPITATION. So now it’s ours. The knives and the fact it’s levitating in a slaughterhouse suggests revenge on humanity for its toils in the suffering of animals and planet earth. At the end of the day it’s just a cool death metal cover and it’s funny to hear people’s interpretations of it.

The album - title also deals with the Hindu religion. Do you believe in this kind of spiritual and esoteric concept and in rebirth?

No. We used it to scare people. Again, playing on people’s fears. Kind of a "what if" - thing.

Now that we know that cows belong to the band´s concept and referred to the album - title: would you like to be reborn as cows???

Definitely not. I´d hate to be bred to stand in shit my whole life, waiting unknowingly for death.

Where do you see the differences between the new one and the last two albums "Humanure” and "To Serve Man”? Would you say that you have become even more extreme than in the past?

I think "Human Jerky” was our most extreme record musically, but the others are definitely beyond it in musicianship. "To Serve Man” was a piece of shit, I thought "Humanure” was good, but "Karma.Bloody.Karma” is the best yet by far.

What does the final track "Of Human Pride & Flatulence” exactly mean? Is it some kind of "special” outro like "Men Before Swine” from "Humanure”? What can be heard there?

That was inspired by a past member of Cattle. Watching someone take so much pride in themselves and having accomplished NOTHING in their lives. And pride to me is a joke in most cases. We´re very humble people. The song itself is a total dirge. Very sad and depressing and the lyrics are a total downer as well.

In the past you always had trouble with censorship. Now that your new artwork has become less brutal, would you say that your new lyrics are more harmless, too?

Definitely NOT. They are the most threatening lyrics I´ve written so far. I wrote these lyrics with the notion that nobody should be reading this. Very brutal but in a much different way. Bleak and disturbing just how I like it.

You also got some guest - appearances by Joey Karam from THE LOCUST and John Wiese from SUNNO))) and BASTARD NOISE. How could you get these people and why?

They´re both very good friends of ours. I had a part in one song that was perfect for Joey’s voice. I love it. And I commissioned John to make some good noise and ambience for between songs and for use in intros and outros.

In 2005, you released a 7’’ with the Grind - Band CANINUS. Who is this band and what connects you to them?

The label that released that got a hold of us and told us he wanted to do a split with us and CANINUS, we assumed because of the vegetarian connection, since the humans of CANINUS are all vegan. I thought it would piss people off if we did it and I thought that might be funny, especially since we’ve been asked for years to do splits with bands and have never had time or enough material or we just flat out wouldn´t want to do it. The timing of this was perfect. So we did it.

In my info there is written about a new drummer, too. It says to be J.R. "Kid Gnarly” Daniels from UNHOLY GHOST now. What has been the reason to replace Michael Laughlin, respectively why has he left the band?

That kid is just a fill in. We put the part about him being a permanent replacement to keep him from whining. Mike doesn´t want to tour anymore aka new girlfriend.

Do you have some special final words for your fans (veggies or not) here in Germany?

Hopefully we´ll see you soon!

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