Tiles is a progressive hard rock band from Detroit, MI featuring Pat DeLeon (drums), Chris Herin (guitar), Paul Rarick (vocals), and Jeff Whittle (bass).
Call it Hardcore, Grind, Techmetal, Noise, Mathcore, call it whatever you want.
The very beginning of Time To Burn starts back in Clermont-Ferrand at the time they were playing under the name Waxx with julien (drums) and eddy (guitar/vocals).
The Swedish speed power-metal act "Timeless Miracle" was formed in 2001 by Mikael Holst & Fredrik Nilsson.
Timo Rautiainen & Trio Niskalaukaus ist ungefällig, heavy und zärtlich. Die Musik der Combo besteht aus schönen nordischen Melodien, die mit einer Panzerwand von drei Gitarren kombiniert werden.
If you are a metal fan, there is no need to introduce this man. Timo Tolkki is the mainman, main songwriter and guitar player of one of the most successful heavy metal bands today.
Alles begann damit, dass der Schlagzeuger Dave unbedingt eine Band wollte. Per Zufall lernte er im März 2004 an einem Konzert den Gitarristen Panos kennen.
Tiny-y-son is a bunch of farmers from the north of Germany! THEY LIKE COWS AND DRINK KORN!!!
The band was founded by Emiliano El Chivo in summer 1995 under the monicker NECROBARATRUM changed later in OBSCURA LUX 666 until his division in 1998 in the summer of same year El Chivo with some ex m
There’s a fresh behemoth devastating the globe.
